"You're not the only ones using this earth" angry fans make an environmental statement in front of BTS agency

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    Article: "You're not the only ones using this earth" angry fans make an environmental statement in front of BTS agency

    Source: Seoul Economy via Naver

    1. [+1,628, -130] With their logic, why not go after photocards too? Just have fans download the photos as files from the web.

    2. [+510, -37] Eco-friendly marketing can be more profitable for businesses in the long term. At the current rate of consumption in the music industry, it's probably better for companies to just focus on digital releases. We all have a responsibility to our society.

    3. [+555, -182] People who truly care about these things wouldn't even bother with being fangirls

    4. [+274, -41] It's a good thing to care about the environment but human nature desires physical material goods and it's wrong to treat people who desire those things as bad

    5. [+193, -38] This is a good article

    6. [+47, -1] Fan merch itself is just trash, no?

    7. [+48, -3] I bet these are the same people who go home to order take-out full of plastic packaging

    8. [+44, -3] Let's think this through for a second. Just because you don't physically see something doesn't make it eco-friendly. Where do you think internet data is stored? Where does it come from? There is nothing that is truly eco-friendly in this world. Simply doing nothing is the most eco-friendly option.

    9. [+37, -3] The problem with CDs is a big issue, though. When you go around college towns with lots of Chinese students studying abroad, you'll find hundreds of idol CDs just piled around because they just pick out the photocards and discard the rest. Outside of thrift stores, you'll find dozens of boxes full of CDs that fans have either thrown away or donated. At least big names like BTS will have a chance of being re-sold but minor names will probably never be re-sold again. It's a huge problem that fans are being forced to buy hundreds of thousands of CDs a year just to get into fan signings or for photocards.

    10. [+23, -4] I completely agree with this article. My daughter is a fangirl so I've come to notice how she's constantly buying the same albums just to get different versions of the photocards that come with it. As if buying one CD isn't enough, it really burns a hole in me to see her buy versions of the same thing. Entertainment companies are responsible for basically stealing money from these kids with these antics. Who even listens to actual CDs anymore? I really want to start a petition about this on the Blue House board.

  • I love playing cds though. Maybe it's because I was born in India in 2008 and cds give a nostalgic feeling but music played on the cds hits different you know?

    Plus, they make me want to go all out, like I literally played the album on 50 volume level a few days ago, yeah it was hardcore.

    Albums as a whole are really special. They are like a token, digital releases are nice and all but albums are something else and I honestly don't want them to go away.

    In my opinion, getting rid of them won't solve the problem. I would say that albums should be made with more eco-friendly material(basically stuff that is not harmful to the enviroment/animals), for example, if a fish eats some part of an album it won't die, and trust me, things like this do exist.

  • idek what to think about all this anymore

    i wonder if all this will go away before the cb or not

    its getting scary

    It’s bcos of the enlistment thing, they are esp targeting them even more than usually expected during a cb.

    i literally cannot take it anymore. these motherfuckers are literally ridiculous at this point. discussed this with my mom and she said "these haters will pick anything". and honestly she's right. they are going to try anything and everything before this cb.

    "i'm just a child,

    but i'm not above violence."

    -ethel cain, "family tree"

    (find salvation in the plastic)

  • i literally cannot take it anymore. these motherfuckers are literally ridiculous at this point. discussed this with my mom and she said "these haters will pick anything". and honestly she's right. they are going to try anything and everything before this cb.

    like BTS agency really? are there not other artists there ? Stating BTS name is solely to make the damage against BTS and not the company esp from kpop stans who are cannot capable of reading beyond the name and are making it about BTS instead.

  • People, we have a new ship to build!


    Some of us have been there since that fancam of Namjoon rocking tf out to Fire Truck and Taehyung getting hyped to Limitless. :nct38:

  • like BTS agency really? are there not other artists there ? Stating BTS name is solely to make the damage against BTS and not the company esp from kpop stans who are cannot capable of reading beyond the name and are making it about BTS instead.

    Yes the haters are using BTS name as a slight against the company as some form of hypocrite gotcha moment. The group is known to be quite outspoken about the environment among other issues that they have endorsed or discussed at the United Nations. So when the company that represents them doesn't live up to that standard it gets called out and BTS name is used to provide emphasis on that fact. It sux but is normal, this happens to anyone. Example Apple can put out a PR campaign about environmental stuff, and then when you see the new iPhone being not environmentally friendly, the team that makes it gets put on notice by people as they respond to the company. Same with nations, the current conflict being an example of how people use the actions of a group as a lens to judge you just because you happen to come from the same entity or be related to it, even if you yourself have not involved yourself in any of that third parties actions. There are many more examples of this in every aspect of human society and businesses and organizations, doesn't make it right,but just points out that this isn't a BTS specific thing. Which is a reason why many other idols stay out of touchy or political subjects entirely. Because if they themselves change course about something in the past they did or didn't support gets used against them.

    Wheras if you say nothing at all it doesn't get used. Example JYP started the nft thing despite knowing its environmental impact. The company itself got called out,but none of it's iidols got used as a gotcha because none of them weighed in or made any support towards or against a cause. But in this case BTS has so unfortunately everytime a representative of them makes an error or goes against their position it will get called out in some gotcha moment, but that isn't a slight towards BTS themselves when that happens.

  • why is BTS getting targeted here. there last albums was expensive as fuck with only 1 version which made mass buying difficult .

    they have not release any album since nov 2020.

    knetz have huge understanding problems. if they care about environment that much, BASH HYBE and not only hybe other companies too which are releasing more than 15 versions of physicals instead of nitpicking and witch-hunting BTS

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