BTS Jimin's 'Nine One Hannam' officetel seized due to delinquent insurance premiums + foreclosure notice leaked

  • BTS Jimin's 'Nine One Hannam' officetel seized due to delinquent insurance premiums + foreclosure notice leaked


    Article: Big Hit side, "BTS Jimin’s insurance premium arrears was due to the company’s negligence → Full payment, sorry for causing concern"

    Source: Newsen

    BTS Jimin's officetel reportedly reached foreclosure.

    According to an exclusive report by Biz Korea, the Yongsan branch of the National Health Service seized Jimin's 'Nine One Hannam' officetel on January 25th.

    In a leaked certified copy of the registration, the word 'foreclosed' is written and the 'National Health Insurance Corporation' is named as the rights holder. The seizure registration was canceled 3 months later on the 22nd after Jimin paid his health insurance premiums in full.

    During the seizure period, the National Health Insurance had sent seizure notices to Jimin's residence four times due to multiple delinquent premiums.


    On the 24th, Big Hit officially clarified reports and told Newsen, "The company first received the mail in the artists' dorms and in the process of delivering it to the artist, an omission occurred to to an error in some mail. Jimin was unaware of the delinquent payments due to overseas schedules, long vacations, and subsequent overseas schedules since the end of last year. Jimin has since repaid the delinquent accounts in full. We apologize for causing concern to our artist and fans due to our negligence."

    Jimin bought his 89 pyeong 'Nine One Hannam' officetel in May last year for 5.9 billion won in cash.


    1. [+2,457, -286] The only issue legally is the fact that antis stole Jimin's mail and leaked it online. It clearly said that only the person addressed can open it. Does it make sense that certified mail was stolen and opened by someone other than the person it's registered to and leaked? Why is there no word about that in the article? I did a quick search and our postal laws clearly say this is a crime punishable with 3 years in prison or 30 million won fine.
    2. [+1,422, -65] Probably because health insurance premiums keep rising over 3% year after year.
    3. [+836, -141] So they sent the seizure notice not once, but 4 times? And he missed all 4...? Does that make sense? I'm sure they tried to send the notice through other ways than just mail? Especially if it reached a point where they had to seize a BTS member's house?
    4. [+458, -63] HYBE never does their job right.. sigh
    5. [+253, -83] Make sure they don't get exempted from the military!
    6. [+210, -66] Ah, this is quite disappointing. And why is the agency taking the fall for this ㅋㅋㅋ Wasn't Jimin at home quarantining at the time due to the corona and the appendectomy? How was he not aware he was behind on his premiums?! ㅋㅋㅋ Weren't they just asking for military exemptions because they bring in a lot of money and pay taxes?! How about paying your taxes timely firstㅋㅋㅋ You've yet to uphold any of your other duties as a citizen of our country. ㅡㅡ
    7. [+183, -50] ?? So only Jimin was unaware his premiums were overdue because of long vacations and overseas schedules? But how did the other members get their premiums paid on time???
    8. [+165, -22] He couldn't even pay his premiums properly but they're talking about giving them military exemptionsㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
    9. [+54, -3] HYBE is their anti
    10. [+48, -21] All delinquents deserve to be arrested and punished severely under the law.
    11. [+28, -16] He bought the officetel with 5.9 billion in cash but didn't have money for premiums??
    12. [+23, -2] Eh ~ so the other members paid theirs ok? Why is it only Jimin that was in arrears?
    13. [+21, -8] Well it's not like this is your typical tax evasion scam. I doubt anyone would deliberately delinquent on insurance premiums ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ unless he's trying to announce he doesn't even have 200,000 won in his bank book ㅋㅋㅋ
    14. [+12, -2] But is it really possible to not know your officetel was foreclosed on? I'm genuinely curious.
  • tfw the antis stole mail and now someone's personal business is on the news:

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    real talk though. wtf. stealing mail is a crime.

    "i'm just a child,

    but i'm not above violence."

    -ethel cain, "family tree"

    (find salvation in the plastic)

  • Wow it was leaked?and media proceeded to report it? Dafaq how is this not a crime?

    if they filed a foreclosure motion it could have been public record (like in the state where I used to live, any public court filings were published in the newspaper every week)... it's likely that most outlets didn't consider it newsworthy.

  • This is how I understand it: Some antis stole Jimin's mail so he forgot to pay his monthly health insurance bill for at least 6 months. Since he was late paying his health insurance bill, the government tried to seize one of the properties he owns. He has since paid what he owed (and maybe plus interest), so the goverment didn't take his property away from him. I feel bad for him and can see myself paying my health insurance premium late (if it wasn't on autopay). He needs to have someone manage his bills if he can't remember to pay them himself. Or autopay.


    "And they escorted her to a prison cell..."


  • This is really confusing because in my country health premiums are paid through your employer and I would've assumed hybe provided health insurance to their employees and artists ..... also surprising that a celeb would be the one to deal with this directly anyway, you'd think they'd have managers of accountants to keep track of payments like this.

  • Hybe has accepted that it was their fault and incompetence as his management since they delayed in sending him the mail. I hope asshole antis can stop blaming Jimin now but that is asking too much of them


  • This is really confusing because in my country health premiums are paid through your employer and I would've assumed hybe provided health insurance to their employees and artists ..... also surprising that a celeb would be the one to deal with this directly anyway, you'd think they'd have managers of accountants to keep track of payments like this.

    In South Korea, it's the same too, except for people who are freelancers or own their own businesses. If you're on monthly salary and hired by your employer as a regular permanent employee with a fixed income, then yes, your taxes and insurance will be deducted before you get your monthly salary. In BTS case, HYBE is technically not their "employer." BTS are not on a $2000 or $3000 monthly salary basis but they're freelancers who are paid per gig and HYBE is like their partner. So people who are freelancers or work part-time jobs or run their own businesses have to report their taxes and pay insurance by themselves.

  • This is really confusing because in my country health premiums are paid through your employer and I would've assumed hybe provided health insurance to their employees and artists

    Health insurance premiums are only paid by your employer if you are full time. If you're part time or doing short-term contract work, you have to find your own insurance and pay your own premiums.


    "And they escorted her to a prison cell..."


  • In South Korea, it's the same too, except for people who are freelancers or own their own businesses. If you're on monthly salary and hired by your employer as a regular permanent employee with a fixed income, then yes, your taxes and insurance will be deducted before you get your monthly salary. In BTS case, HYBE is technically not their "employer." BTS are not on a $2000 or $3000 monthly salary basis but they're freelancers who are paid per gig and HYBE is like their partner. So people who are freelancers or work part-time jobs or run their own businesses have to report their taxes and pay insurance by themselves.

    This, it seems like mismanagement by Jimin's internal employees (I assume he's hired someone to help him with this personally) and why it didn't happen to any other BTS member.

    Hybe has accepted that it was their fault and incompetence as his management since they delayed in sending him the mail. I hope asshole antis can stop blaming Jimin now but that is asking too much of them


    This is very true but netizens are banking upon the fact that it would also be sent electronically after the 2/3rd warning. I agree it was probably just an accident, but damn the timing sucks ://

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