Need someone to talk to

  • Kinda been unactive on AKP... Feel really tired. I haven't texted my irl friends nor have I responded to their messages either. I just feel down lately

    And some friends of my parents are here visiting. I stormed out on all of them like an hour ago cause I was upset

    I feel like my presence isn't appreciated either. My parents laugh and pass a good time with my sister and with their (the friends) daughter and it's the same with the friends. I just worsen things and make them pass a bad time. I'm frustrated cause of that, I'm in my room alone right now

    I don't know I just want to sleep and cry but I can't do either :(

    I stormed out cause we were playing Dominos and my sister started nagging us and showing off the pieces and doing annoying sh*t. Then my parents friends started joking about how I was being a bad loser, all in quote-end-quote "good intentions" but I just don't like being called that when I'm not

    So one thing led to another and all that combination of frustrating things just made me explode and storm out. I make everything worse and I hate it

    out of service

  • aw i get how you feel :((

    it will probably be awkward going back out again, won't it? :-(

  • aw i get how you feel :((

    it will probably be awkward going back out again, won't it? :-(

    Yeah and I feel really guilty bc they didn't do anything to deserve that. It embarasses me tbh and what's worse is that we're taking them out for dinner later :huuh:

    I overreacted but I've just been sad as hell lately and I guess I was on my limit today lol ;(

    out of service



    then walk out of there~


  • Yeah and I feel really guilty bc they didn't do anything to deserve that. It embarasses me tbh and what's worse is that we're taking them out for dinner later :huuh:

    I overreacted but I've just been sad as hell lately and I guess I was on my limit today lol ;(

    i think it could be embarrassing but might as well take some time to collect your thoughts and formulate and appropriate apology, to just let them know that it wasn't on purpose.

  • It’s okay to be inactive on here. I’ve been busy recently too, and haven’t been on here as often because of that. It’s completely okay, there’s no problem with that at all. I’m sad to hear that you’ve been down recently though.

    I feel the same way sometimes. As a child, and even sometimes as a teen, I felt like my parents wouldn’t pay as much attention as I wanted at the time. They’d talk to each other, but not me. In hindsight, I learned it was not intentional at the time, but it still hurt back then.

    On one hand, I get that your sister wanted to show off something that she liked a lot. I get the same way. When I find something I like, I want to show it off too. It’s true that your comment might have hurt her, but I don’t think you’re an evil person. You were probably feeling ignored and left out, which I understand, and reached your breaking point. The joke your parents made probably didn’t help things either.

    Here’s what I would suggest if you want any advice. First, let out your emotions, whatever that looks like for you. Cry, scream into a pillow, write out your frustrations, talk to some friends, watch happy videos or anything else you normally do. Once you feel calmer, head downstairs and ask to talk to your parents. Tell them that even if they didn’t mean it, their joke hurt your feelings and explain why. I’m sure they’ll at least listen to you.

    In addition to that, explain why you felt upset at your sister. Chances are that they didn’t mean to exclude you, they just weren’t aware that they were even doing it. This way, they can make sure to pay more attention to you in the future. Lastly, if you can bring yourself to do it, apologize to the people there for your outburst (even though I don’t think you’re a bad person over doing that, they still might appreciate hearing one).

    Just remember that you aren’t a bad person. One action doesn’t define you. We all make mistakes. I had my fair share of emotional outbursts on here, yet most users on here have since forgiven me. I think it’ll be the same for you in real life. Just give it a try when you’re ready and I’m sure everything will turn out for the best. Oh, and I nearly forgot: my DM’s are always open if you ever want to talk to me or vent about anything. Have a great day/night!

  • Thank you You-chan :pleading: You always have great advice! I'll apologize to my parents and to their friends later, since we're dining right now

    And thank you for the encouragement. It did feel really wrong but I understand it doesn't make me a bad person. Good day/night to you too :iloveyoub:

    out of service

  • Thank you You-chan :pleading: You always have great advice! I'll apologize to my parents and to their friends later, since we're dining right now

    And thank you for the encouragement. It did feel really wrong but I understand it doesn't make me a bad person. Good day/night to you too :iloveyoub:

    No problem! Thank you! Sounds like a good plan. It really doesn’t, you’re such a sweet user. Thank you and you too!

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