Why did Jyp send Skz to Kingdom and not Itzy to Queendom when it’s the most popular show now?

  • This Queendom season has the best ratings among all Queendom/Kingdom seasons. There’s hype about it on Twitter/Korean forums/Chinese social media. This could be a nice boost to Itzy’s careers. Jyp sends Stray Kids to Kingdom, even when Stray Kids are already a successful group, why not send Itzy to Queendom?

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  • they consider their health

  • I wish Itzy were there, without them this show is boring as hell.

  • ITZY doesn't need queendom. I rather the girls not go through the stress of these competition shows personally.

    1. Kingdom had terrible viewership ratings, perhaps JYP didn't want to risk it for Itzy since girl groups depend more on casual fans. Plus skz have said right after they won that except for the performances Kingdom wasn't enjoyable for them at all; this is probably the case for all the employees involved, and then of course there's the costs
    2. Itzy couldn't have had a fanmeeting, maybe not even a Japanese release, if they went to Queendom, as it would've kept them busy for 2+ months
    3. It doesn't only depend on companies. For Kingdom, Mnet had groups in mind like MonstaX, and when they declined they didn't allow Starship groups to perform on M Countdown for a while.
  • because itzy are already popular, skz instaed are nobodies to sk gp

  • the gp wasn't watching kingdom wtf are you talking about, it was basically only the six fandoms and the very few non-fans who somehow weren't bothered by how utterly boring @@@82acd816-bcf8-421f-b1a4-270d739b02eb@@@ was

    Yes, I didn't express myself really well.

    I meant that itzy is popular already woth go and has many fans, they don't need this program to "survive".

    Skz instaed doesn't have sk fans (certainly has some but they're still not that many) and also doesn't have gp support.

    So skz needed to attend to try and get people's attention while itzy doesn't.

  • we could've got another mixnine interaction between the 3jins

  • When did jyp ever decide a good thing for itzy. That company just chooses the worst decisions ever for them

  • itzy doesn't need queendom they are one of the popular 4th gen girl groups while SKZ are not really well known

  • because itzy doesn't need queendom while straykids definitely do. plus from what I've seen kingdom wasn't exactly a great experience for them so ig jyp just decided to not participate anymore

  • JYP just prefer Stray Kids. Maybe because they probably bring more money.

    exactly ! The audacity of these people to even think that jyp cares about itzy's health . They prefer bgs over ggs just like other companies.

    Where was this energy when Itzy got international distribution while SKZ's full album and only proper cb didn't, despite SKZ selling better and having a bigger international fandom? When Itzy got proper promo from the beginning but SKZ didn't, in fact a member got streetcasted several times almost two years into their debut? And why would JYPE prefer bgs when their ggs have been historically a ton more successful, and that's what people know them for? SKZ are an anomaly in JYPE.

    there's no favourite child, JYPE is a mess for every group. you want to tell yourself there is because you can't accept Stray Kids are successful

  • they already saw what happend to Chaeryeong sister on the other reallity show, where they drag her bad for being an idol dancer.


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