I just finished listening to the album and thought it deserved its own separate thread even beyond the album discussion one
I really really enjoyed it and even more so that it manages to be eclectic yet a cohesive ensemble of songs
You have the rockstars Tomboy and the less flashy but more nostalgic Never Stop Me
Then the über dramatic Villain Dies and the still dramatic but mellower Already
Then the softer Polaroid and Escape that takes a little guitar to recall the rock element
Then Liar (probably my favorite b-side idk yet) is a mix of all of this, it's rockish, dramatic and sometimes softer with a touch of hype
that introduces the very Tiktok friendly My Bag (with really cool raps especially by Yuki)
It's a strong contender of Best Album quality wise for me already in mid March and I don't stan them
What's your opinion?