Girl at my Uni kicked out of law school due to pouring coffee on a girl's head

  • What do u think? She is kicked out because having no ethics and people think she is not suitable for law profession. I mean what she did was wrong but I kinda pity her cause it was her senior year and she was this close to graduate. But anyways she seems to be really crazy girl :pepepizza: so many rumours about her popped out after this case, drunk driving, beating people and even worse :pepeshut: but idk if those true

    lots of people attacked her online but she was also so aggressive and made ig story saying "I won't study at this shitty school and live in this shitty country. I am gonna go abroad". Then she legally got banned going abroad lmao :pepe-cringe: So ridiculous anyways I wonder if pouring coffee on someone's head is enough reason to be kicked out of Uni? like I find it kinda reach, but most people say that girl should be kicked out and even should be put in jail lmao, I didn't know people in my country was this brutal :pepepizza:


    According to her the victim glared at her and talking behind her at coffee shop with her friends. She went there and asked whats wrong the victim was very disrespectful to her so she poured her coffee on her head out of anger. Then they went to police and both of them get interrogated and they solved the problem and apologised each other and became cool with each other. But the victim uploaded the video of her pouring coffee on her head at midnight. It went viral and people demanded the girl to be kicked out of school cause she has no ethics.


    Edited once, last by jinaland ().

  • Public Uni or Private Uni?

    If its a private one, they can do whatever the fuck they want.

    If its public, what she did is technically an assault. As long as they are kicking out everyone committing assault then it makes sense.

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  • where do you live ?

    and why did she pour coffee on someone's head? :woow:


    According to her the victim glared at her and talking behind her at coffee shop with her friends. She went there and asked whats wrong the victim was very disrespectful to her so she poured her coffee on her head out of anger. Then they went to police and both of them get interrogated and they solved the problem and apologised each other and became cool with each other. But the victim uploaded the video of her pouring coffee on her head at midnight. It went viral and people demanded the girl to be kicked out of school cause she has no ethics.

  • Mongolia

    According to her the victim glared at her and talking behind her at coffee shop with her friends. She went there and asked whats wrong the victim was very disrespectful to her so she poured her coffee on her head out of anger. Then they went to police and both of them get interrogated and they solved the problem and apologised each other and became cool with each other. But the victim uploaded the video of her pouring coffee on her head at midnight. It went viral and people demanded the girl to be kicked out of school cause she has no ethics.

    If they sorted it out, even with police, I think it is a bit unfair ...

  • A girl at my job got fired after she threw her full cup of coffee at the trash can and it spilled all over someone's stuff and when someone was like "hey that's someone's stuff" she flew off and started cussing them out. So she got fired for workplace misconduct because she verbally assaulted someone.

    I can see both sides, but depending on how hot the coffee was she could have injured someone and been held liable. Depending on the laws in your area, the school could potentially be liable as well.

  • If I was that girl who got coffee poured on her, I would be SUING!

  • guy in my high school got sent to the dean's office but instead danced outside the classroom, so the teacher tried personally walking him, but halfway through he ran back to the classroom stole the teacher's phone and caused a ruckus. i saw him outside school today. he's so funny, makes my day better :lisa6:

  • also, yeah that's more than a reason enough. if you're applying to a school you better respect and acknowledge the rules around the campus, especially if you're coming there for an education. yes, education is a right but that's not always the case depending on the situation. in this case, she was being disrespectful and acting inappropriately in public areas consistently. she totally deserved to get kicked out for not following the school rules more strictly. AND her actions can taint the school's reputation, so why wouldn't they kick her out?

  • yeah that's a potential crime, and i don't think anger is a valid argument for assault lol

    i mean i don't think the girl who posted it on social media is in the right either... just solve the problem yourselves :suure: no need to seek attention or revenge

    out of service

  • well like others have said...

    1. it's assault and potentially criminal behaviour and thus assuming the laws regarding the legal profession is similar to that of my country - it would be harder to be a lawyer if you have a criminal record lol

    2. seems like a bit of a Karen to me so rightfully so she got what she deserved!!!

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