What's the difference between not liking a group and being an "anti"?

  • if you happen to hear them or say, you are the type to check out all new songs, can you express your dislike without being an anti?

    oh yes ofc ppl are allowed to express dislike and give constructive criticism on a song, I have no problem with that. If they are respectful towards the group then they can talk about the song freely.


  • An anti to me is someone who behaves in a malicious way to harm a group or its fans. Not liking a group or song doesn't automatically mean that you have any desire to actively cause malicious harm.

  • there's lots of group's music who doesn't resonate with me but I'm not going out of my way to bash or shade such groups they are literally not on my mind...

    antis on the hand go out of their way to troll/antagonize that group or those group's fans...

  • Antis are actively demonstrating their hate against a group. It can go to the simple but recurrent hate speech and loud criticism against a group to spreading misinformation about a group or leaving hate comments everywhere on purpose including on the idols social medias so they can see it.

    Sometimes antis can be organized between themselves to spread rumors or hate a singer. We have seen it a good number of times.

  • I think it's intensity and passion that makes the difference.

    People might not like a group, mention it a few times (or not) and then move on.

    Antis however are the exact same as fans: they're just as passionate as fans only the complete opposite.

    Stans love and adore their bias group, while antis hate and despise that group.

    Just like stans, antis might spend as much time and attention on the same group, even more than on their own bias group.

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