CRAXY's Karin will be wearing braids in their cb MV, the company already apologized so please... Do not hate on her or CRAXY! Cultural appropriation vs appreciation here we go again.

  • CRAXY filmed their 4 comebacks last year and they released the 4 teasers for the 4 comebacks that year. Gaia was done, "The dance with God" teaser received a bad feedback because Karin was styled with braids and people said that it was cultural appropiation.

    The company isn't that big and can't make another video just to erase this issue , however they did reshoot the photo albums !

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    I admit that sometimes I hate how people with privilege can always get their own ways and no-one says a damn thing, wherever they do will be seem as fine , while social minorities are seem like shit ! but then I think..." Not all people with privilege are bad people and having hate towards other people is envy and ironically the thing that we don't want anymore "Hate" "

    Maybe I'm being too simplistic sometimes? Maybe I'm not seeing the magnitude of the problem?maybe I see the world as one entity?

    I thought that we lived in cultural exchange since almost every country has been influenced by other countries and have borrowed certain things so this makes me feel confused.

    I don't get why people kick out people from schools and jobplaces just because they are black and they are wearing braids or cornrows . The hairstyle doesn't define if you're a good student or worker...

    Sometimes I think that if there wasn't discrimination due to the hairstyle then black people wouldn't have a problem with white people using those hairstyles,right?

    It just so hard to draw a line between cultural appropriation and appreciation and it makes me feel so confused.

    This is going to sound really polemic, but some people(not all) come with this attitude of revenge... Like... "You cannot wear this due to all the pain that you all did , now deal with the fact that we can wear this while you can't" .

    It's like some LGBTQ+ people trying to punish straight people for wearing clothes that break the gender rules. I mean... Weren't we supporting freedom and stuff? Why forbid other people from being free with their bodies and style? Is just LGBTQ+ people allowed to break the gender stereotypes?

    All this sounds like a long essay.

    But... There's something that doesn't click with me. I'm part of the LGBTQ+ community and I know how horrible is discrimination, but there are some actions taken by minorities that feel the same taken by the ones who hurt us and it feels like the perpetrator becomes the victim and the victim perpetrator.

    Idk... It's a complex topic.

    There are people who are racist and wear elements from the black people. Of course that I don't support that, it's not coherent .

    Anyway, while writing this I received this thought of "identity" and I know identity is necessary. I know black people want to hold their identify and don't want their identity to be seem as trivial,right? But... Then I think about how food like Sushi can be eaten around the world without losing its identity of being something from Japan! People who are not japanese can make Sushi with respect and that's not a big deal, but then I think that no-one gets kicked out from their jobs(while black people are kicked out because they use braids) because they are Japanese and make sushis(but xenophobia exists so it can happen...).

    Maybe I'm too permissive... I'm like wear what you like, do what you like and leave me live my life ...

    This thread is so disorganized, but it's because I have too many thoughts and it's hard for me to take a position. I admit that I'm a hypocrite and contradicting person. We humans are complexed.

    But...Life is not black or white, it can be gray...

    I know I'm gonna get a lot of facepalmed reactions and that's ok, my opinions/interpretations are not fixed FYI...

    STAN CRAXY'S CHAEY OR I'LL STEAL YOUR SOUL. :cursing::cursing::cursing:

    Edited once, last by RobVel ().

  • RobVel

    Changed the title of the thread from “CRAXY's Karin will be wearing braids in their cb, the company already apologized so please... Do not hate on her or CRAXY! Cultural appropriation vs appreciation here we go again.” to “CRAXY's Karin will be wearing braids in their cb MV, the company already apologized so please... Do not hate on her or CRAXY! Cultural appropriation vs appreciation here we go again.”.
  • this long ass essay about CA like please save it for the drafts </3 it's black history month have respect for black people :?:;(

    I respect black people, but I don't understand how someone's freedom with their body(hair in this context) has to be limited, especially when a lot of those people are not being disrespectful and just showing appreciation.

    Human societies have developed themselves over the years thanks to the influence of other cultures. Why gatekeeping hairstyles?

    It feels contradictory to the discourse of freedom.

  • I respect black people, but I don't understand how someone's freedom with their body(hair in this context) has to be limited, especially when a lot of those people are not being disrespectful and just showing appreciation.

    Human societies have developed themselves over the years thanks to the influence of other cultures. Why gatekeeping hairstyles?

    It feel contradictory to the discourse of freedom.

    It's not about freedom like you should be reading about the history of black culture and how Non black people have been stealing our culture and benefiting from it for decades. Nobody is gatekeeping but black people are tired of people stealing our hairstyles and culture without respecting us. You should read about it online or even watch a YouTube video because your being quite dismissive of the actual root problem of cultural appropriation. People are free to do as they please but that doesn't mean it's okay.


  • People can only talk and make people guilty for wearing braids and dreads but will still watch their idols wearing it. Only people on the internet have problems with kpop idols wearing braids.

    Really, their wearing braids in a non disrespectful way in an MV will not affect your everyday life in any way.

  • That's what I have always thought, but then I was taught to feel guilty about it and now I feel divided...

    I believe in positive embrace and representation. :')

    I think we (humans) put a lot of barriers and we create more separation than union.

    Yeahhh back In the Day a lot Girls had braids and I see still some White Girls have. I dont see anything wrong they can do what they want it doesnt Hurt my life. And I live In Europe btw

    On and also Vikings had braids too so I dont see how one culture owns hairstyle

    Edited 2 times, last by Jeitu ().

  • Meh, they are not big enough for people to notice, or care.

    But there will be always the "ready to be offended" crowd that will come out.

    They don't care about the group, they just want to be outraged in social media.

  • you are trying to start a fire with a bucket of water dude.

    1. Work culture will not care if you are black or white with bantu knots for an interview. They will not hire you regardless if you wear hairstyles that are out of norm.

    2. Black people have been discriminated for their hair type and style. It (is)another form of institutionalized discrimination.

    3. In the art world anything goes. The little vocal minority screaming appropriation are 9/10, not a member of the minorty group.

    4. Alot of people are not educated enough on the issue to try to teach it to others.

    5. I see media play written all over this post. Just chill and enjoy the music. Not everyone had to like dick, Brent and candy for you to enjoy their music.


  • Meh, they are not big enough for people to notice, or care.

    But there will be always the "ready to be offended" crowd that will come out.

    They don't care about the group, they just want to be outraged in social media.

    Something good about being nugu, I guess.

    I remember that a CRAXY fan account on Twitter was ready to cancel them once they saw the hairstyle and that made me kinda conflicted...

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