You create something (a drawing, a song, a poem etc...) and you feel like showing it to someone.
And then someone says to you: "This is trash and you suck as an artist"
And well... don't you think it is kind of rude and disrespectful, when someone calls an artist's song trash?
I'm thinking more about how the ones who have composed, produced etc... would feel.
Even though it might be hypocritical of me to say that because I did make a thread calling one song by a Western artist trash. Even thouhg the title of that thread is "Do you think it is a bad thing to call this song trash?"
Even though there was this one kpop fan, who went to a kpop producer's social media and said something like "You suck and you're a bad producer" and also bashed the way he made songs.. (I don't feel like mentioning names and stuff)
But that producer just responded politely "I was wondering if I should study more music, but thank you for your suggestions."
And well... I sometimes create art.
I write poems, also write fanfics and short stories, draw (even though it is mostly once a week) etc...
I think I would be sad though, if one of my poems or drawings got called trash and they said "you really suck at it".
Oh wait, I remember when a former classmate of mine read a short story by me and said "You're the worst writer ever"
But well... it was a silly short story that wasn't meant to be taken seriously, so I didn't even get that hurt. (so don't feel sorry for me or be like "your classmate was so rude")
I kind of also was thinking "She hasn't read any of my 'serious' short stories."
Even though, there is also times where I wish people would be a bit more critical when talking about my art.
I mean, sometimes when I create art and someone is like "Wow, you're really good.", sometimes it feels like they don't mean it. (or as if they don't want to hurt my feelings.)
I'm not saying that I want them to be like "You freaking suck at it."
I would rather that they say what I could do better or at least say what they might not like about it.
They are allowed to be positive, but I would rather they say what they like about it and what they don't like about it.
Like saying stuff like "You could have chosen a better title for your short story" and stuff... (and BTW I didn't know what to title my thread...)
I do appreciate it, when users read my poems and are like "This is so beautiful". I do believe that most users are being honest, when they talk positively about my poems and fanfics.
Well... every week, I'm at this place, where I often sit and draw stuff, and the people at this place have often told me how good I am at drawing.
At first I felt like they were perhaps just being nice.
But it kind of boosted my self-esteem, even though I know I'm not as good as those super famous painters.
Well... I think that when you want to improve as an artist, you need to listen to some of the criticism.
This thread probably got too long LOL