I’m so happy I’m not a nice person because my mom is DUMB AS HELL.

Traits you are grateful you didn’t inherit from your parents?
my dad's lack of consideration for anyone but himself
I have one for each parent because they are not that similar, and if they are, I inherited it:
My mom: how much she cares about how other people think. It's not the "Oh my gosh do I look ok?" it's the "You have to do this because it's societal expectations". Thankfully neither me or my sister has this.
My dad: sexism. He talks about how he can anything he wants because he's old, white, and a guy A LOT. At least he recognizes his privilege. My sister inherited this, but she's still basically a child so she'll grow out of it. I hope.
Other than that, I basically got almost everything else from both of them. He's also allergic to every fragrance in existence. My sister inherited it.
The tendency to take other people's money without their permission.
A lot
It's the opposite for me. I hate that I didn't inherit their metabolisms. I inherited my Grandfather (Maternal) and Grandmother (Paternal) metabolism instead.
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