Waiting for Kpop to have Anti-Idols

  • For those who don’t know what anti-idols are, they’re technically still idols but don’t follow most of the typical rules or images traditional idols do. This is a sub-genre in Jpop

    BiS & Bish are one of the biggest Jpop GGs out now, and they’re anti-idols

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    Some other groups

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    This is a masked group, with one of the members being in a wheelchair

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    More on Anti-Idols and how they’re different from normal idols

    What Is "Anti-Idol?"
    iN SHORT: Anti-idol is a niche of music groups in Japan with the intent of poking fun at the absurdities of idol music culture in Japan. iN DEPTH: It’s easiest…

    I would’ve loved to see how Korea’s take on anti-idols would be, but it prob wouldn’t work since they’re much more conservative than Japan. By not work, I mean in terms of being advertiser friendly, cuz I’m sure they’d find a good sized fanbase if they’re appealing enough

    Edit: And no, groups who say hell & damn in a few songs are not anti-idols, and no groups that do horror concepts aren’t anti-idols either, and no groups having a budget that’s cheaper than a hotel room aren’t anti-idols either lol

    Edited 3 times, last by Lubby00 ().

  • We literally got a SOTY contender from an anti-idol group. Stream Lionesses!

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