A new Kpop Generation who does not know the 2nd Gen has arrived

  • It was a huge dating scandal apparently. I think IU got a lot of hate from the BG's fans, i'm not sure if the BG member himself got hate as well. I dont know if the Korean GP cared or not, since obviously it didnt hurt IU's career.

    WhyKnock why dont you give us all another history lesson here, i dont remember much about this story.

    Eunhyuk has been ridiculed by all the Korean fans since then and he now only appears in variety shows produced by SM. Some ELFs have not forgiven the singer who took the photo to this day.

  • At least they know The Senior SInger.

  • Can we also make it so it's possible to forget the obnoxious 2nd gen Stans who treat those groups as sacrosanct in condescending tones to newer Kpop fans, chiding them for the grave and severe crime of not knowing nor caring for 2nd Gen?

    Case in point - this thread. Someone makes a joke about SJ (a collection of sexist and terrible frat boys who should be fired into the sun) and it's like they've offended God or something.

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