Would it be a good idea for MNet to reform IOI for Queendom S2?
I heard that the producers were concerned that if Road to Queendom didn't do well then Queendom would be cancelled (screwing over the winner, since getting on Queendom is the prize). I don't think that would happen if they could get IOI reformed for the show, even if Road to Queendom flops.
- Popular individual members + first time performing together after 5 years = huge buzz
- Powerhouse lineup:
Center: Nation's
Vocal: Sejeong, Yeonjung
Visual: Somi, Chaeyeon, Doyeon, Pinky
Face: Somi, Mina
Leader/Rap: Nayoung
Underdog: Sohye
- Reforming a short lived group would be different from the other groups which would make the show more interesting
- Would help to rehabilitate the Produce brand (I've seen articles stating that MNet wants to restart the show)
- Discography: tiny and lower charting compared to the other groups that would be selected (possible pro: new songs)
- Difficulty getting them back together and working well as a group again. If they can get Somi, Sejeong, and Chungha most of the other girls should follow and the group would work (they don't need everyone for it to work). Chance: Chungha 95%, Sejeong 75% (might be concerned about dancing again or already booked for acting), Somi 50% (Teddy's protective of his acts, but if Somi insisted...)
For this to happen MNet would need to arrange this far in advance of the show to coordinate schedules and give the girls time to practice together.
P.S. If this doesn't happen, Chungha should be selected as the solo for the season.