Companies forbid some idols to have personal sns because the idols are dumb

  • JamieSavage

    Changed the title of the thread from “Some companies forbid some idols to have personal sns because they're dumb” to “Companies forbid some idols to have personal sns because the idols are dumb”.
  • they are kids

    kids sometimes say stupid things

    kids mostly write stupid things

    kids usually make mistakes

    btw. it's interesting how so many girls from AKB and sister groups have instagram accounts

    and how members of SNH have weibo accounts, and also can have instagram accounts if they want to

    but in kpop it all depends on company lol

    maybe it would actually be better if every kpop idol could have IG but with that said there would be rule

    "you talk shit then you will need to de-activate it"

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  • btw do we know which idols have been prohibited from having individual SNS accounts?

    Are u trying to get me banned?? Lol

    That what i would do if i own a kpop label

  • I mean even for the ones who have personal SNS, a lot of them also have their managers posting photos on their behalf anyway. I think something like IG is fine because you don't really have to engage with anything. Plus most of them seem to forget it exists anyway.

  • honestly I think idols themselves are scared of themselves fucking up, and being dragged into a scandal

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