idk if anyone saw this woman who blew up for putting GORILLA GLUE on her HAIR in order to lay it down but waited til a month to get medical care.…c&ab_channel=TessicaBrown
in my opinion how the hell did she think gorilla glue was for the damn hair lol. like i know people make mistakes but this is honestly ridiculous and now she could be dealing with consequences related to her health! when you go to the beauty store are any convenience store, do you see gorilla glue in the hair/ beauty section (i think tf out lol). and ppl be saying she confused it for gorilla snot but damn even before picking that bottle up, the glue states its NOT FOR THE SKINNNN!!!!
at least sis is getting views and money for this but will it be worth it at the end of the day? hope she gets well soon.
what do yall think?
oh well social media is weird man lmao :D