If there's one thing this Giselle scandal has taught me, it's this.

  • As much as K-pop fans say they care about racism, surprisingly little comes out of it besides clapped nicknames and fuel for later fanwars. People literally call Lisa "AAVE queen" and Soyeon "CA queen"...like, bro, yall are not fooling me.

    These CA "scandals" are literally used as fanwar bait after all is said and done; look no further than shit BTS did in 2013-14 that people STILL use against them in 2021! They're clearly not the same people, but god forbid people actually improve themselves...no, you need to drag people down to your sorry-ass level because there's fandom beef you'll forget about or be ashamed of later on in life.

    People will use this issue against Giselle and aespa as a whole when people are back to arguing over whose fave is less problematic, I guarantee it

    The real root of the problem is Korea itself, as bullying rumors and dating scandals have caused more problems and ended more groups than cultural appropriation scandals. The media outlets there do not speak about the rampant colorism between citizens and racism displayed toward people of color in the entertainment industry. There are literal slurs for people with darker skin in the Korean language...Korea doesn't give a fuck about this issue whereas international fans clearly do.

    There exists the real problem: until Korea decides it's important for Kpop and the wider entertainment industries to actually care, kpop fans will continue to yell into the void unless they raise enough of a stink for these companies to put out an apology that doesn't really do much besides damage control.

    Is he.....you know?

    투모로우바이투게더 방탄

    Edited once, last by MassiveKpopFan ().

  • THIS!!!!

    collecting info and making a megathread soon on Namjoon and how he's used as a scapegoat- it's getting goddamn ridiculous.

    "i'm just a child,

    but i'm not above violence."

    -ethel cain, "family tree"

    (find salvation in the plastic)

  • "i'm just a child,

    but i'm not above violence."

    -ethel cain, "family tree"

    (find salvation in the plastic)

  • didn't you know? people aren't capable of change :clown: Giselle will 100% have this coming for her even years from now when people are arguing in their fandom stuff..which is so weird to me, it feels like people get so excited when an idol messes up instead of actually caring about the issue

    People DO get excited, there are company antis which is just as fucking weird as being a company stan.

    Not surprised people in K-pop don't really care about world issues except when they use them as ammunition in fanwars.

    Suddenly HYBE is a monopoly while willingly turning a blind eye to CJE&M. I'm not even into economics, but come on now, that's basic knowledge.

    Is he.....you know?

    투모로우바이투게더 방탄

  • This whole comment section is giving me performative activism.

    Is he.....you know?

    투모로우바이투게더 방탄

    Edited once, last by MassiveKpopFan ().

  • THIS!!!!

    collecting info and making a megathread soon on Namjoon and how he's used as a scapegoat- it's getting goddamn ridiculous.

    cough cough the but namjoon excuse.

    I am not even kidding. One time these two people were argueing and this one person said but namjoon did this bla bla bla. Girlie responded back she wasn't even an army lol. (I must say that was funny)

    But seriously, a lot of kpop fans don't care about the actual issue. They just want to cause fanwars and argue.

    There was this one idol that was accused of wearing a "maang tikka"(I swear to god, that wasn't a maang tikka)

    And I told this person(they were talking about how it was "problematic") that I was a India the thing they were wearing wasn't a maang tikka and it was something else.

    The person told me to shut up and stop defending my problematic racist favs, that I was racist, and that it was a maang tikka.

    Like, I don't even stan that idol, second I am Indian, you think I dont' know how a jewerly that I worn multiple times looks like and third I am Indian, you think I would be racist against myself?

    I hate it when people use Indian culture for these kind of things and act like how it is "problematic" and they know what they are talking about when it isn't even part of Indian culture.

    Basically stop using my culture for your freaking fanwars!!!

    Ok I went on a rant here........

  • No no talk your shit!

    Is he.....you know?

    투모로우바이투게더 방탄

  • how did a video about giselle get comments about RM? Anyway, if anyone deserves to be cancelled. It is ajanae. Not only is she actually racist(cough cough her anti middle eastern people speeches) she constantly offends groups for no reason and makes a living off it. I can't believe people still support and defend her.

  • No no talk your shit!

    basically I am tired of explaining to people. Because of people like that person, an idol gets hated when they shouldn't be, misinformation is spread, and everyone stays away from Indian culture or anything that remotely looks like it because they fear being called racists by some people that aren't even Indian.

    Plus, most Indians don't mind foriegners wearing Indian jewelry, infact where I grew up in India, we were proud to see people wearing our jewerly etc.

  • basically I am tired of explaining to people. Because of people like that person, an idol gets hated when they shouldn't be, misinformation is spread, and everyone stays away from Indian culture or anything that remotely looks like it because they fear being called racists by some people that aren't even Indian.

    Plus, most Indians don't mind foriegners wearing Indian jewelry, infact where I grew up in India, we were proud to see people wearing our jewerly etc.

    Indian culture isn't talked about much in American schools, I'd love to learn more about it.

    Is he.....you know?

    투모로우바이투게더 방탄

  • People DO get excited, there are company antis which is just as fucking weird as being a company stan.

    Suddenly HYBE is a monopoly while willingly turning a blind eye to CJE&M. I'm not even into economics, but come on now, that's basic knowledge.

    as if being a company stan isn't bad enough lmao </3

    and tbh idk how bts is constantly dragged in every single one of these types of issues

  • Indian culture isn't talked about much in American schools, I'd love to learn more about it.

    it complicated lol, very complicated. Every region has a different variation. I am South Indian and the North India is almost completly different.

    But lets start of with the basics. Yes, I am hindu, and I can eat any meat I want!

  • People will use this issue against Giselle and aespa as a whole when people are back to arguing over whose fave is less problematic, I guarantee it

    I can see that happening clearly lmaoo. Like this happens in every fanwar and I'm tired of it. These ppl really don't care about the issue nor they care about the idols they just wanna drag to make their faves look good like what the hell? What's wrong with y'all? How can yall weaponize such sensitive issue in fanwars? Do y'all have no humanity or what? Kpop fans disgust me.

  • This is why intent is so important.

    It's not always idols doing something problematic with the mindset of wanting to discriminate or hurt people on purpose, it's because of how Korea goes about racism like you said.

    Most of these idols have never been proven actually racist. Yes they've done some awful things but at most they were stupid and ignorant.

    Kpop fans would rather drag an idol for years instead of learning what the fucking difference is between ignorance and real racism.

    Is he.....you know?

    투모로우바이투게더 방탄

    Edited 2 times, last by MassiveKpopFan ().

  • as if being a company stan isn't bad enough lmao </3

    and tbh idk how bts is constantly dragged in every single one of these types of issues

    People will find a way to drag BTS into anything if it gets big enough, it's pathetic.

    Forgot to add, I'm not justifying the problematic things these idols have done. I'm saying that pointing fingers at idols calling them "racists" isn't right. Ignorance and racism are different things. The word "racist" gets thrown around so much that TRUE racism is getting overshadowed.

    Ding ding ding!

    Is he.....you know?

    투모로우바이투게더 방탄

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