Less than 24 hours until Girls Planet 999 has a winning girl group

  • Well it’s true. She said the n word multiple times and only “apologized” because people called her out on it. (Not even sure if she actually apologized or if that’s just what her stans said.)

    Anyway as a black person I’m not accepting whatever apology she put out since she knows english. So no I don’t support her.

    She did a cover for a language that’s not her first, let alone would have enough knowledge on the word, the context behind it, and why she shouldn’t say it. I think it’s unfair to expect a Chinese girl from China to know all of that, and then expect her to address the backlash for it in 0.3 seconds when

    A. Is on Weibo, not Twitter where the outrage began

    B. She’s a trainee under a company, therefore can’t release stuff on her own

    I’m black too, and know the difference between ignorance & malice. I am no better than anyone & am bound to ignorance myself, and if it’s offensive I learn from it & move on

    I know that for everyone too much to play moral high ground whenever someone makes a mistake

    You don’t have to ever like her, but it’s really never that serious. It comes off as an excuse to hate at this rate

    “You did something bad once, which means your not pure by my modern day standards, therefore your canceled for eternity”

    Yeah not an ideology for me

  • I’m still not supporting her but if you do that’s cool.

  • I’m still not supporting her but if you do that’s cool.

    That’s cool, you nor I nor anyone else is perfect in comparison tho

    Everyone did something that can be seen as offensive at some point, especially out of intent, and make up for it as time goes on. No matter how much woke Twitter & TikTok has us believing otherwise

    This “you did something wrong once, therefore you’re forever a bad person” mess is for the birds

    Edited 3 times, last by Lubby00 ().

  • Even if she didn’t know I’m still not supporting her. She still did what she did.

    How much do you know about Chinese culture ? Do you know what's offensive what isn't in China ? If you expect people to know that much about your culture i expect you to do the same about every culture


    Edited once, last by nana18 ().

  • I made the mistake of caring about an MNET reality show because of the nice (but probably unfulfilled) premise of the show, but I sure won't be watching the final. Had that interim ranking not been released, it would have been a bloodbath. Now, many have had time to reach acceptance, or walk away, so while I am sure there will still be drama, not as much as there might have been.

  • I don't feel like anybody is "winning" from this show that may not have been vote-rigged but was nonetheless rigged against most of the Chinese and Japanese trainees from the very start. Most of them never had an actual legitimate chance to debut no matter how talented they are, and it still pisses me off that they had to waste their time and hard work for literal dust. Good luck to whoever ends up in the final group but at this point I'm already over everything. I'm just glad that this xenophobic sh*tshow is finally ending.

  • Y'all acting entitled. You don't get to decide what offends other people.

    There’s a difference between telling others what to get offended by (never happened) and thinking it’s weirdo behavior to do the most despite someone else making a mistake, while also playing the morality queen/king “I can do no wrong ever” card

    Entitlement is expecting everyone around the universe to know your culture and be A+ scholars at it, and anything short of that makes them inherently problematic for eternity

    Y’all can be as butthurt over her as y'all please. But I will be clocking if I see any bashing or malice on her name, PERIODT

    Should know how this site works with me in it by now lmfao

    Edit: Do y’all have the same account. Cuz it really be the same 2-5 people each time lmfao

    Edited once, last by Lubby00 ().

  • I don't feel like anybody is "winning" from this show that may not have been vote-rigged but was nonetheless rigged against most of the Chinese and Japanese trainees from the very start. Most of them never had an actual legitimate chance to debut no matter how talented they are, and it still pisses me off that they had to waste their time and hard work for literal dust. Good luck to whoever ends up in the final group but at this point I'm already over everything. I'm just glad that this xenophobic sh*tshow is finally ending.

    It really is so sad & a huge waste of time. The interim results defeat the whole purpose of the show

    These girls will be even more distraught. Cuz as bad as it would be like to doubt themselves by wondering if they are good enough to be idols, like them not being talented or pretty or interesting enough

    That on its own is bad. But they could never change their ethnicity, and they’ll forever have to live with the fact that a huge reason why they didn’t get to debut was because Koreans don’t see foreigners as equals

    The ultimate blow. If it turns out the way it did, or even worse, or even barely better, my interest has already dropped

    I put my daily votes in & gonna skip the live

  • I was annoyed by IZ*One’s lineup just off the fact that it wasn’t at least 4 J-Girls, with Miyu being one of them

    But for GP999 GG to possibly wipe out literally all my foreign faves

    That’s gonna be a tough pill to swallow. Especially since I gotta forever remember knowing that I watched this show in high hopes, and while knowing a worse case scenario could happen, the actual worst case scenario was even worst than that ;(

    Here I was worried 6K2J1C or 7K1J1C would be the worst that could happen, and yet now 9K isn’t exactly impossible now

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