So Block Berry Creative is broke

  • Yeah, once Jaden Jeong left Loona with a lot of financial problems, it was just a matter of time to show whether they get better at management or not

    Wasn't Jaden the one that wanted Loona to be the most unknown mysterious group or something. I don't remember exactly the exact words but he wasn't good when it comes to decisions if he wanted Loona being unknown.

  • Wasn't Jaden the one that wanted Loona to be the most unknown mysterious group or something. I don't remember exactly the exact words but he wasn't good when it comes to decisions if he wanted Loona being unknown.

    He had a very weird marketing idea of loona. He wanted them to be mysterious and “unknown“ as in not doing a lot of shows to be that “i am not like other girls/ quirky/ edgy“ group. I think that due to his departure and the change of image that BBC lost some investments plus the whole mismanagement that started even under Jaden Jeong

  • Honestly that would be the best thing happening for them. They are almost 1 mio in debt without having any other assets except Loona and each of their comebacks are really expensive

    Yeah, I agree. Lee Sooman helped with # and 12:00, so if anyone has eyes on the group it's him. plus, sm are trying to get into the westren market and Loona would be a step towards that.

  • Yeah, once Jaden Jeong left Loona with a lot of financial problems, it was just a matter of time to show whether they get better at management or not

    There's been a lot of missed opportunities for them in my opinion. When you appear on the scene with the concept of 'girl of the month', people get intrigued. I remember the hype for them back then. Everyone thought there would be 12 members for 12 months, that their name was LOONA because of Luna, so like Luna, moon, month, makes sense, and then they started releasing those MVs for each member and skipped a few months and some months had more than one girl and it was such a wasted opportunity. I remember people losing interest just because they were hyped up for the concept we all thought girl of the month would be and being disappointed that it wasn't done as smartly as that.

    Another issue is that from the MVs, it was clear which members had how much star potential and potential to shine on their own and it hindered other members who were overshadowed by the few that really popped off. Their company could've pushed those members more, but they didn't for some reason.

    Everyone was saying "Kim Lip this, Jinsoul that" but Kim Lip and Jinsoul weren't pushed as much as they should've been compared to the interest. I hate the center concept, but when you're just starting out and a few members get more attention than others, even significantly, you push those people and it helps your group get out there more.

    Just a lot of wasted potential.

    ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
    Flower field, that's where I'm at. Open land, that's where I'm at.
    ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

  • why did their parent company just randomly stop supporting them?

    surely those idiots didnt spend millions of dollars at debut and thought they'd be able to make it back in a couple of years?

    if it was all for the creative endeavour, why randomly abandon them now?

    u r m o m g a y


  • There's been a lot of missed opportunities for them in my opinion. When you appear on the scene with the concept of 'girl of the month', people get intrigued. I remember the hype for them back then. Everyone thought there would be 12 members for 12 months, that their name was LOONA because of Luna, so like Luna, moon, month, makes sense, and then they started releasing those MVs for each member and skipped a few months and some months had more than one girl and it was such a wasted opportunity. I remember people losing interest just because they were hyped up for the concept we all thought girl of the month would be and being disappointed that it wasn't done as smartly as that.

    Another issue is that from the MVs, it was clear which members had how much star potential and potential to shine on their own and it hindered other members who were overshadowed by the few that really popped off. Their company could've pushed those members more, but they didn't for some reason.

    Everyone was saying "Kim Lip this, Jinsoul that" but Kim Lip and Jinsoul weren't pushed as much as they should've been compared to the interest. I hate the center concept, but when you're just starting out and a few members get more attention than others, even significantly, you push those people and it helps your group get out there more.

    Just a lot of wasted potential.

    Plus, this might be really controversial but Loona has too many members. They should have sticked to changeable sub-units

  • why did their parent company just randomly stop supporting them?

    surely those idiots didnt spend millions of dollars at debut and thought they'd be able to make it back in a couple of years?

    if it was all for the creative endeavour, why randomly abandon them now?

    Polaris was already facing problems before Loona. BBC was heavily dependable on external investors

  • Polaris was already facing problems before Loona. BBC was heavily dependable on external investors

    no I mean like the parent company, Ilkwang

    those fuckers are stacked in cash

    that's how they got to spend so much money in the first place

    why pull out now

    did they spend so much on a virtually unknown label and group and expect to make a profit fast?

    and besides, Loona has been overflowing with gigs and sales this year

    where is the money going?

    u r m o m g a y


  • Plus, this might be really controversial but Loona has too many members. They should have sticked to changeable sub-units

    The subunits are strong on their own and fit each member's style so what you say makes a good point. They all seemed to have fit their units well while in group releases a lot of members were overshadowed and a lot of them didn't get many parts.

    ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
    Flower field, that's where I'm at. Open land, that's where I'm at.
    ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

  • Having something like an nct system would work. I am saying this selfishly as I really like Odd Eye Circle's album

    Members like Vivi or Haseul or Gown are basically overshined by Yves, Heejin, Jinsoul and so on. Imo, they are not really fitting together. E.g. Chuu is not really suitable for the edgy concepts. There is a real difference between their group performances and their sub unit performances where I prefer the later

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