Am I doomed to be fat?

  • Heartnadia

    Changed the title of the thread from “Am I going to stay fat forever?” to “Am I doomed to be fat?”.
  • What I am doing wrong? I go for walks and eat as little as possible and I've entered food on my fitness pal, stayed below the calories required.

    What is the point? What am I doing wrong? I'm so frustrated, I feel like giving up., I hate my body, I hate how fat and unattractive I am. </3

    You should love your body! It is ok to not be the same way as others are. Unless, it can turn into a serious health condition. But just because you aren't like others doesn't mean you are unattractive.

  • Quote

    I hate my body, I hate how fat and unattractive I am.

    Dont hate your body! first step to change is to love your body and want to take care of it.

    When it comes to calorie counting, we can be really inaccurate!

    I suggest rather than limiting your food intake, eat food you can make from scratch and produce.

    Dont eat package food and preprocessed ones.

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  • What I am doing wrong?

    Not having any compassion for yourself.

    Each person's metabolism works differently. If you accept yourself as you are and where you are currently at, moving towards where you would like to be could be less frustrating. For some who cannot accept themselves, being skinner is never enough until they are just skin..and then they still aren't happy.

  • Don't focus too much on losing weight and rather focus on getting healthier and doing it in a sustainable way

    1) Don't go under the recommended calories and don't over exercise. It's not healthy for you nor is it sustainable and I know I said not to focus too much on weight but it can actually cause you to gain weight because of how your body reacts to being underfed. I'd also recommend eating higher protein

    2) While cardio is good, building muscle is a good way to reduce "softness" do weight training and ab workouts. And I'm not sure about others but just the feeling after muscle-focused workouts make me feel more confident/happier and you'll feel better about your body and self right after. Exercise in general boosts your mood

    3) Treat yourself and do intuitive eating. And by treat yourself, I don't mean a cheat day. As long as you don't go overboard and eat too much junk, if you want a cookie eat the cookie. It won't kill you and you can't treat food like an all or nothing. Binge eating on one day a week is actually just a form of ED and not at all good for you

    And don't expect the changes to happen all at once, this kind of thing should be gradual. Unless someone is severely overweight, you shouldn't be losing more than around a pound or 2 a week anyway. And on the topic of pounds, don't weigh yourself. Especially if you're building muscle, it doesn't mean a thing.

    One last thing: If you focus too much on how your body looks rather than feels, it will always be a moving target and you'll never be satisfied. No human will ever look perfect and we always expect more. Eat good, exercise the right amount, and learn to love yourself because the majority of the human population will never look like idols/influencers/whatever and that's ok

  • Not having any compassion for yourself.

    Each person's metabolism works differently. If you accept yourself as you are and where you are currently at, moving towards where you would like to be could be less frustrating. For some who cannot accept themselves, being skinner is never enough until they are just skin..and then they still aren't happy.

    I am sorry if I came across as negative

  • Don't starve yourself period. It destroys your metabolism. It's common sense. I've had terrible experiences with it about a year ago and my weight was completely fine at that time. Then I gained like 10 pounds in a few months because of puberty. :pepefacepalm: Now my BMI is around 19-20, and I am insecure AF. :pepecry:

    It hasn't gotten much better because I have health anxiety and my BMI has never been this high. My mom has given me mental health support because I am only 13.

    I don't want this to sound too much like a rant, so ask the doctor if your weight can cause serious problems in the future.

  • two things i did to lose belly fat without exercise but it has some health risks so do it at ur own risk. It's simple- I only ate once a day at lunch but a healthy home cooked meal with everything (veggies,protein,carbs,fat). That was enough for me. If i was hungry at night, i would grab some nuts or peanut butter or milk that's all. Healthy eating will help in long term to not gain more weight when u get back to two or three meals which i now do with intermittent fasting and i have maintained my weight pretty well.

  • two things i did to lose belly fat without exercise but it has some health risks so do it at ur own risk. It's simple- I only ate once a day at lunch but a healthy home cooked meal with everything (veggies,protein,carbs,fat). That was enough for me. If i was hungry at night, i would grab some nuts or peanut butter or milk that's all. Healthy eating will help in long term to not gain more weight when u get back to two or three meals which i now do with intermittent fasting and i have maintained my weight pretty well.

    I do not recommend this and I advise you to not tell other people this as a recommendation again. That first part is straight up starving yourself (and possibly binging) and indeed dangerous, also considered disordered eating and can lead to a serious ED. It's not only just unhealthy/dangerous, it's also unsustainable and messes up your metabolism and will make it harder to lose/maintain weight in the future if that is your goal. Eating like that will also have various other negative effects on your body even just as a short-term weight loss plan

  • I think others have said mostly I wanted to say...but I guess eat healthy...

    cut down the sugars, salty foods, fat foods

    drink water lots of water...

    get a good night's rest - effective sleeping habits are key to mantaining a healthy body

  • oh boy i am in no way equipped to provide advice because i suffer(ed)? from an ED but i will try

    i will say that while body positivity is important, your health comes first. as the daughter of two doctors, i've heard some stories and there's no doubt that if your family has a history of diabetes or cardiovascular disease, it's very important to keep your weight in check and visit a doctor annually.

    people on here said don't walk but that's not necessarily true. depending on what you want as an outcome, it can be different for everyone. of course someone wanting to gain muscle would do weights rather than cardio or walking. for me, i don't have access to weights and i would rather not have muscle bulk at all- so i just do lots of cardio etc.

    someone told me a while back that you can eat whatever you want as long as you burn the calories off/there's a deficit- that line of thinking is not disordered and it is a common weight loss method because it is fact. it all comes down to calories in and calories out.

    however, i absolutely recommend you see your doctor before taking any advice on here.

    "i'm just a child,

    but i'm not above violence."

    -ethel cain, "family tree"

    (find salvation in the plastic)

  • I do not recommend this and I advise you to not tell other people this as a recommendation again. That first part is straight up starving yourself (and possibly binging) and indeed dangerous, also considered disordered eating and can lead to a serious ED. It's not only just unhealthy/dangerous, it's also unsustainable and messes up your metabolism and will make it harder to lose/maintain weight in the future if that is your goal. Eating like that will also have various other negative effects on your body even just as a short-term weight loss plan

    Actually there are alot of scientific benefits to eating once a day and intermediate fasting

    Also we cannot break our metabolism

    Thats a bs YT and influencer term

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  • Actually there are alot of scientific benefits to eating once a day and intermediate fasting

    Also we cannot break our metabolism

    Thats a bs YT and influencer term

    Can I see the study for one meal a day? Because from what I know, eating one meal a day is not good because either you're undereating because you can't fit the required amount of calories in one meal or you're eating at the very least 1200+ calories in one sitting. I'm not professional though so I'm not saying you're wrong

    Also I don't have a problem with intermediate fasting if it has a reasonable time frame which allows multiple meals and not eating everything within one meal. I have actually done it myself before but one meal a day just doesn't make any sense and in general just feels overly restrictive

    And as far as metabolism, pretty sure we actually can mess it up. From what I've heard a normal diet plan won't do it, but extreme calorie restrictions are damaging and put your body into "starvation mode." Especially if you yo-yo a lot. I'd be interested in seeing the studies though because everything I've heard says otherwise but I'm always open to seeing the other side. In general though, regardless of whether or not it affects your metabolism long-term, undereating is just dangerous and damaging to your body and shouldn't be done just to hit weight-loss goals

  • As someone who has tried everything out there, (although this O.P is like months old but i just saw this), nothing worked for me. I also have other medical issues that doesn't allow me to do the normal thing such as working out/going to a gym. I tried weight watchers, i tried other diets.

    The only thing that I have been able to do is Weight Loss Surgery. I lost 100 lbs. I had no pain for 2 years until recently with some complications and I underwent revision surgery. i went from the gastric sleeve to a gastric bypass.

    The diet is: first week : clear liquids 2nd and 3rd week : full liquids 4th-6th week: Pureed Foods every few weeks you introduce more food, You have to measure everything i can only eat 4 oz per meal. And they encourage protein shakes 2-3 times a day in between eating 2-3 meals.

    Because with this process you're not going to get the protein you need anymore, so you have to follow it. 100lbs lost in 1 year, and after revision surgery which i had October 13th i've lost 16lbs.

    I move around and I walk. But mostly I eat based on the diet i am supposed to have and Protein shakes. The surgery was laprascopic I was over night in a hospital and out. I had a little bit of pain but not much. I have 5 tiny scars from incisions that won't even be that noticeable over time. And the healing is quick because of it being Laprascopic. If you completely feel like you are out of options I suggest looking at your insurance and talking to a Bariatric Coordinator.

    No the surgery isn't for everyone and you have to be mentally prepared for a COMPLETE lifestyle change, but it's an idea for when you're out of options. It's also not a cure all, you have to keep up with it, keep measuring food, walking/excercising if you can do it and don't have other medical issues as i do. If you don't you can regain that weight back fast. If you don't measure and don't watch how you intake food you can stretch your stomach and you did that surgery for nothing.

    I'm just giving another idea out there.

  • I've lost 40 lbs since august last year.

    Firstly throw away My Fitness Pal, that will only drive you crazy, also "eating as little as possible" will just leave you hungry, make your metabolism slower and just cause more problems. I know everyone one says it but seriously finding healthy food you enjoy eating is the way to go. Since you'll feel satisfied but won't be consuming so many calories. But also still allow yourself a "treat" once in a while (I have mine once a week). As for exercise weighted machines are definitely the way to go you will see faster progress this way. And overall if something doesn't feel right it probably isn't just because some "weight loss hack" works for someone else doesn't mean you should do it as well if it will leave you feeling sick.

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