I don't see them having a huge decline right now, but it is apparent that a lot of blinks are getting tired of BP's lack of group music and promotions, I do think because of YG they are slowly declining, but not so much, their still very popular, their solo's have sold a lot, but in the general public I don't think they like BP's music, I blame YG for everything, but YG won't let go of BP that easily, their the only group making YG money, if BP leave then YG will lose so much profit.

I'm afraid bp will decline next year.
Am I dumb for not understanding how bp is currently operating in a way that's different from before? If anything, all the solos are lowkey giving more sustained visibility of the group (from the perspective of a casual listener) than touring did. I just hope that Jisoo gets her turn in the next 6 months *fingers crossed they don't postpone till 2030*
it all depend on the song really. But overall, blackpink hold the most consistency out of all the girlgroups. D4 is their biggest hit. HYLT is a hit, and LSG is smaller hit. All in all they are really consistent. Out of the girl groups, I would not worry about Blackpink really.
It helps that most korean seem to like YG/Teddy produced music.
Seriously, out of the big 4, if I have a choice, then I would rather debute a girl group from YG even though they release less music and stay in the dungeon more than the others.
it's the opposite for colorcolor
Next time use this format, it gets the point across and is funnier:
Next time use this format, it gets the point across and is funnier:
Am I dumb for not understanding how bp is currently operating in a way that's different from before? If anything, all the solos are lowkey giving more sustained visibility of the group (from the perspective of a casual listener) than touring did. I just hope that Jisoo gets her turn in the next 6 months *fingers crossed they don't postpone till 2030*
this year is very different and blinks should know this. They have released a song every year 2016,17,18,19 and 2020. But 2021? nil.
This year hasn't ended yet tho) Plus, Bp is not totally out of sight, their members are having promoted cbs, go to TV shows, do endorsements - they're definitely getting new fans by these activities, they are nowhere near declining, especially considering that it's a normal rhythm of Bp's work for their fans
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