Which app were you banned the most in?
I've never been completely banned from thing. I've been in Twitter jail twice though.
Does Discord count?
The servers who banned me:
- One girl lied to the mod to get everyone out of the server she disliked. She lied and whenever the users defended themself she said "You are a liar and I know it, don't deny it" someday the owner banned all these people and me and when we asked what was the reason she said that this girl told her how rude we would be ... but we were never rude
- A dude just hated me for no reason and banned me. 30 User asked if I could come back since nobody saw a reason why they could've banned me on the server. This mod than DMed me saying I should refrain to as people that they ask him that I could be unbanned, but I never asked those people to say it to him ... I asked him for the reason why he banned me and he simply said "I just hate you"
- In a server kids talked on how drugs got legal in their Staate in the US and I said "Drugs are bad" than these kids made fun of me and as I told them what could happen if they really begin to use them, the mod got kinda pissed at me for no reason and banned me for being "inapropriate" cause aparently its not allowed to tell people how bad drugs are ... wow
- Another time in a server a girl had enough and gave ownership to a boy who was a hardcore army. He disliked Stray Kids alot so he banned everyone who didn't liked BTS and he also banned everyone who liked Stray Kids. He literally got 2K of 5K users from that server banned ... mostly because these people like Stray Kids oh my ...
What did you do in weverse?
Spamming, Swearing, Posting Things Off-topic, Fighting Users, PLAYFULLY Making Fun of the Artist, More Spamming (Spamming Artist posts with the same quote), playfully? Making Fun of Kpop Companies, Trolling, MORE SPAMMING(In different servers though), Calling Weverse dumb for banning me so many times(Which resulted in a ban), according to some users I made insensitive jokes(which I did not.) I can’t confirm that these are the reasons because they don’t tell you why you got banned though but these are some things I did Also, I never went too far with anything i did
Calling Weverse dumb for banning me so many times(Which resulted in a ban)
the way I legit lol'd
Me love ur sig
Thank you
None as I do the right thing.
i've never been banned or had my account restricted. i was banned by mistake on tumblr tho, the time when porn was banned. it took them 10 days to give me my account back, it was nerve-wracking because they weren't replying to me
i didn't even know banning from weverse was possible, it's such an unproblematic app. i mean, what drama and controversy is expected to happen there :-D i get it op, you initiated it yourself lol
For me it’s Weverse
I was banned about 14 times(?) +once my account got deleted and I couldn’t create a account for 80 days with my regular email
it's the shrek stuff again huh?
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