So when I was young my mom took me and my brother to a church. I was like this is ok, and we went to few other churches. Now that I'm older I don't feel connected to god and my views is different from theirs. If I say that oh I don't believe I god, I just going to have a long talk about oh how should I read my bible etc. So I just stay quiet. Tomorrow my family is going to get baptism and im just going to be silent. Also they believe that the shot will turn people into zombies, and they believe the illuminati. I'm just tired of my delusional family, tired of life, tired of having depression and anxiety, tired of everything. Sometimes I'm like why must they believe everything that said on the Internet is true which is not. I feel bad for exposing my family but I really need to rant about my frustration.
I need Advice ( mainly about being in a Christian family etc.)
It's a phase that will pass
Nothing wrong with that
You shouldn't too, when people on the internet tells you that your religion is fake
Keep strong user, take it slow
Thank you for the response
im just going to take it day by day. Sometimes I daydream where that i fell in love with a guy and we been dating for atleast five years then we move to our own place. Sometimes when i come back to reality i have no hope.
Thank you! Have u ever had a similar situation before?
Thank you! Have u ever had a similar situation before?
not personally I'm Chinese and my family is agnostic/atheists so i haven't experienced that before...
but i see a lot of young people feeling that way but I always tell them that if they want to "escape" then they gotta sort their affairs out to "emancipate" from their family...(i.e think of the consequences of their actions...
do your best to hold out a little longer until you can get that stuff worked, I'm worried how they'd react if you ever opposed their beliefs in any shape or form. I know it's going to be hard, just know theres light at the end of the tunnel once you're free from said toxic household. Hang in there.
Thank you so much, I will work harder to accomplish my goals to move up!
There's only so much to do in such a situation. Don't feel guilty for disagreeing with their views. You can't force yourself to. As the others have said, I would suggest hanging in there for a bit longer. In the meantime, do your best to work on yourself in whatever ways you can. Pick up a hobby or a skill. Before you know it, you'll be ready to move out and have the life that you want. You'll be okay.
Hang in there! My family is a conservative christian family (religious bunch), and I am an agnostic already.
Don’t feel bad about it. In fact, questioning is a good sign of critical thinking. I did my own research and became agnostic.
Save up enough to move out on your own, rather than waiting till 18.
Hopefully your family and community aren't far too gone and too confrontational. However, if this is the case and you depend on them, you need to work silently to get out of this situation. Just hold back any rebellious thoughts to confront views and go along. It can be really dangerous to confront them over beliefs. It may be detrimental to your mental health, but it can get much worse if you don't go along. I imagine part of the stress may be caused because you can't express yourself fully in an environment that is restrictive. Still I'd hold the line. Rocking the boat over disagreements is the last thing you wanna do till you have more leeway in life.
My mom is very religious and I'm borderline anti-religious atheist, but we both are pragmatic, so she doesn't bother me with this matters and I don't bother her with my views. Sometimes I go to church and it is fine to just go there for social reasons. the community I live in isn't forceful even if they spout very weird shit or bigoted stuff, so I can coexist with them fine.
It seems you can still use the internet with much control from them. You can meet likeminded people this way and relief stress this way and look for similar experiences and see how they dealt with it.
hopefully you are able to move out soon and make your own decisions. religion is one of those things that's confusing if it's the right thing to do to bring kids into religion or just make them go and follow it until they're old enough to decide for their own. my whole family, especially my mother is very religious (Christian, like yours), and as a result of that, i had to go to church every week with her while she went three times a week. i was ok with it when i was young, since i just thought it was normal for people to just go to church every sunday, but frankly i had no idea what i was really doing at church. as i got older i had no interest in religion and honestly just felt like i was wasting my time being at church, but i didn't want to be rude to my mother so i kept going with her. if you have a long way till you can leave, still try to talk to your family about it. though i understand not wanting to, (my mother yelled at me when i told her that I didn't want to go to church haha) but hang in there
hopefully you are able to move out soon and make your own decisions. religion is one of those things that's confusing if it's the right thing to do to bring kids into religion or just make them go and follow it until they're old enough to decide for their own. my whole family, especially my mother is very religious (Christian, like yours), and as a result of that, i had to go to church every week with her while she went three times a week. i was ok with it when i was young, since i just thought it was normal for people to just go to church every sunday, but frankly i had no idea what i was really doing at church. as i got older i had no interest in religion and honestly just felt like i was wasting my time being at church, but i didn't want to be rude to my mother so i kept going with her. if you have a long way till you can leave, still try to talk to your family about it. though i understand not wanting to, (my mother yelled at me when i told her that I didn't want to go to church haha) but hang in there
Thank you so much💙💙💙
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