Kyulkyung stars in MV praising the CCP

  • The lyrics lmao

    "Without the Chinese Community Party,

    there’s no People’s Republic of China

    Without the Chinese Community Party,

    there’s no People’s Republic of China

    The Community Party works hard for the people.

    The Community Party is dedicated to helping China.

    He pointed people to the path of liberation.

    He led China towards a promising future.

    He persevered in a battle for over 8 years.

    He changed the people’s lives for the better.

    He built a base after the war.

    He practices democracy, bringing many benefits."

    Reminds me of this song:

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  • sadly seems like artist no more have a free choice there...

    it's 100 year of CCP and I've read that SNH48 and Rainbow Choir will also do collab remake of some old nationalist song...

    now if you want to be alive as artist in China you need to do this shit

  • now if you want to be alive as artist in China you need to do this shit

    You can be alive in China and not say anything political at all. They just don't want to lose the privileges of being a celeb. more proof is there were chinese celebs who didn't open their mouths too.

    the people on this board who are into c-entertainment use this victimization tactic to make excuses. Please don't fall for it. Because supporting pro CCP celebrities helps the CCP's soft power. Anyone consciously helping the CCP make bank is corrupted because they are indirectly helping tyranny and oppression.

    Taiwanese/Hong Kongers are affected by it, Koreans are affected by it, Southeast Asians are affected by it. Everything is political in China. A small thing like boycotting all who kowtow to the CCP actually helps the situation. Not just talking chinese entertainers but also John Cena and the likes.

  • You can be alive in China and not say anything political at all. They just don't want to lose the privileges of being a celeb. more proof is there were chinese celebs who didn't open their mouths too.

    the people on this board who are into c-entertainment use this victimization tactic to make excuses. Please don't fall for it. Because supporting pro CCP celebrities helps the CCP's soft power. Anyone consciously helping the CCP make bank is corrupted because they are indirectly helping tyranny and oppression.

    Taiwanese/Hong Kongers are affected by it, Koreans are affected by it, Southeast Asians are affected by it. Everything is political in China. A small thing like boycotting all who kowtow to the CCP actually helps the situation. Not just talking chinese entertainers but also John Cena and the likes.

    nah it's different there

    if they wouldn't do what CCP asked for they will be banned from performing and earning money as singers/idols etc.

    which means they will lose all things what they worked hard for... for so many years.

    Would you do it? not mentioning that CCP will probably block their bank accounts etc.

  • if they wouldn't do what CCP asked for they will be banned from performing and earning money as singers/idols etc.

    which means they will lose all things what they worked hard for... for so many years.

    exactly what i said. They just don't want to lose their privileges of being a celeb. Being a celeb in china means being a ccp mouthpiece by default. Its a choice these chinese celebs took upon themselves to make. Do not try to excuse them and make them out to be victims. the real victims are those who are oppressed by the CCP. Not a single one of us has to support corrupt c idols and we have every right to criticize them. Most celebrities in China are not for the people. The ones who stay silent are the only ones deserving of respect.

  • You can be alive in China and not say anything political at all. They just don't want to lose the privileges of being a celeb. more proof is there were chinese celebs who didn't open their mouths too.

    the people on this board who are into c-entertainment use this victimization tactic to make excuses. Please don't fall for it. Because supporting pro CCP celebrities helps the CCP's soft power. Anyone consciously helping the CCP make bank is corrupted because they are indirectly helping tyranny and oppression.

    Taiwanese/Hong Kongers are affected by it, Koreans are affected by it, Southeast Asians are affected by it. Everything is political in China. A small thing like boycotting all who kowtow to the CCP actually helps the situation. Not just talking chinese entertainers but also John Cena and the likes.

    I agree. Too many people in not only kpop, but cpop victimize their favs as if they can NEVER do any wrong lol Like is this a common trend pertaining to Asian entertainment because I don’t see this much babying going on for grown ass adults in western fandoms?

    At this point, it’s a choice they make for fame and money bags. It’s as simple as that and anyone who believes otherwise is ignorant and gullible, I’m sorry lol I understand why specifically knetz don’t want to have anything to do with Chinese kpop idols as they’re like land mines waiting to explode at any moment or when the time is right. Who the hell wants to constantly deal with that nonsense? The nonsense of taking in heaps of people who are against you on political and historical issues but want to make revenue in your country as well as reap the benefits of the services you provide? Crazy….

  • I agree. Too many people in not only kpop, but cpop victimize their favs as if they can NEVER do any wrong lol Like is this a common trend pertaining to Asian entertainment because I don’t see this much babying going on for grown ass adults in western fandoms?

    At this point, it’s a choice they make for fame and money bags. It’s as simple as that and anyone who believes otherwise is ignorant and gullible, I’m sorry lol I understand why specifically knetz don’t want to have anything to do with Chinese kpop idols as they’re like land mines waiting to explode at any moment or when the time is right. Who the hell wants to constantly deal with that nonsense? The nonsense of taking in heaps of people who are against you on political and historical issues but want to make revenue in your country as well as reap the benefits of the services you provide? Crazy….

    exactly. They had a choice to A) not to be a celebrity PERIOD or B) not say anything at all. Japan has had its bad history with Korea but i respect the japanese kpop idols cause they are apolitical at the very least.

    IMO Chinese idols have no place in Kpop until the CCP goes down. For them to be Anti-democracy/pro North Korea yet still be bold enough to go to South Korea to make money is blatant hypocrisy. I'd want to be mad in the comments too. Especially when Koreans are banned from TV in China. Its just not fair.

  • exactly. They had a choice to A) not to be a celebrity PERIOD or B) not say anything at all. Japan has had its bad history with Korea but i respect the japanese kpop idols cause they are apolitical at the very least.

    IMO Chinese idols have no place in Kpop until the CCP goes down. For them to be Anti-democracy/pro North Korea yet still be bold enough to go to South Korea to make money is blatant hypocrisy. I'd want to be mad in the comments too. Especially when Koreans are banned from TV in China. Its just not fair.

    As much as kpoppies keep saying knetz hate the Japanese kpop idols, although there may be some dislike due to historical and political reasons like China, they tolerate them way more than the Chinese. The Japanese can separate politics from their job while the Chinese can’t for some reason.

    I agree that Korean companies should ditch the Chinese until their country becomes democratic which honestly won’t be anytime soon. You’d be surprised at how many kpoppies fail to understand this hypocrisy. I got into an argument with one today on youtube and he/she was more worried about the Chinese and their DReaMs to be kpop idols while failing to get the bigger picture due to either ignorance and/or lack of intelligence. So many of them are freaking kids and teens, you can’t have civil and complex conversations with them.

  • You can be alive in China and not say anything political at all. They just don't want to lose the privileges of being a celeb. more proof is there were chinese celebs who didn't open their mouths too.

    the people on this board who are into c-entertainment use this victimization tactic to make excuses. Please don't fall for it. Because supporting pro CCP celebrities helps the CCP's soft power. Anyone consciously helping the CCP make bank is corrupted because they are indirectly helping tyranny and oppression.

    Taiwanese/Hong Kongers are affected by it, Koreans are affected by it, Southeast Asians are affected by it. Everything is political in China. A small thing like boycotting all who kowtow to the CCP actually helps the situation. Not just talking chinese entertainers but also John Cena and the likes.

    Pretty sure more states than China are involved in tyranny and oppression , one could say America is rn(more an anarcho-tyranny than authoritarian tyranny) and no one says supporting american pop stars makes them "corrupted",kpop itself is Korean soft power for example do kpop fans funding it support the numerous korean corruption cases within the SK gov then by the same logic. It's just odd how everyone is always on China for celebrities as tools as nationalism on this forum when one could argue SK does a similar thing.

  • As much as kpoppies keep saying knetz hate the Japanese kpop idols, although there may be some dislike due to historical and political reasons like China, they tolerate them way more than the Chinese. The Japanese can separate politics from their job while the Chinese can’t for some reason.

    I agree that Korean companies should ditch the Chinese until their country becomes democratic which honestly won’t be anytime soon. You’d be surprised at how many kpoppies fail to understand this hypocrisy. I got into an argument with one today on youtube and he/she was more worried about the Chinese and their DReaMs to be kpop idols while failing to get the bigger picture due to either ignorance and/or lack of intelligence. So many of them are freaking kids and teens, you can’t have civil and complex conversations with them.

    these people are part of the problem and are whats wrong with society. financially supporting idols spouting harmful rhetoric is getting people killed. Its getting people's rights taken away. the moment they excuse it, is the moment they normalize it.

    Boycotting these idols is the only way to get them to stop the madness. Not continuing to blindly support them regardless. With kpop fans its always the same "their life is in danger" BS narrative they use which they have no factual basis to say because look at how the CCP has Chinese american, taiwanese, and hong kong celebs pulling the same BS as these mainland chinese idols. Its about money. I bet you if they chose silence, at BEST they would probably lose opportunities in the Chinese entertainment industry. NO JAIL OR EXECUTION like the overdramatic kpop fans like to claim. They'll victimize them to protect chinese representation in kpop at all costs!!!

  • Pretty sure more states than China are involved in tyranny and oppression , one could say America is rn(more an anarcho-tyranny than authoritarian tyranny) and no one says supporting american pop stars makes them "corrupted",kpop itself is Korean soft power for example do kpop fans funding it support the numerous korean corruption cases within the SK gov then by the same logic. It's just odd how everyone is always on China for celebrities as tools as nationalism on this forum when one could argue SK does a similar thing.

    american pop stars are not connected to the government. Logic, USE IT.

    Just say your support the CCP abusing uighurs and get out of my face. I don't have time for what aboutism. I don't have time for faulty logic. RIght now Free Speech is needed in China. These assimilation camps i have no doubt worked the same way (if not worse) as the assimilation schools they had for the indigenous in Canada. The stories of rape and torture are NUMEROUS. This is bigger than protecting irrelevant Chinese idol's feelings and their celebrity privileges. I don't care if you are handsome or have talent, if you are not a celebrity that is "for the people" then we don't have to support you. No matter how many deranged fans try to victimize them.

  • american pop stars are not connected to the government. Logic, USE IT.

    Just say your support the CCP abusing uighurs and get out of my face. I don't have time for what aboutism. I don't have time for faulty logic. RIght now Free Speech is needed in China. These assimilation camps i have no doubt worked the same way (if not worse) as the assimilation schools they had for the indigenous in Canada. The stories of rape and torture are NUMEROUS. This is bigger than protecting irrelevant Chinese idol's feelings and their celebrity privileges. I don't care if you are handsome or have talent, if you are not a celebrity that is "for the people" then we don't have to support you. No matter how many deranged fans try to victimize them.

    I don't care about their feelings(of the celebrities) I mainly care about pointing out western hypocrisy when it comes to China as I have stated before I dislike both states(somewhere in the random thought thread). Perhaps the Chinese shouldn't be seeking jobs as kpop idols but they are let it nevertheless as everyone knows how insane Chinese kpop fan culture is(more crazed fans=more money). Pop music for example mainly rock and jazz music from America was a key part of propaganda that helped the US win the cold war in a manner that was anything but organic to deny that music stars and the appeal of celebrity may not be as directly connected to the gov(a tool is a tool after all) here's an interesting thesis on it for more info https://repository.library.geo…df?sequence=1&isAllowed=y. Here's an interesting paper on soft culture power generally which is pretty much what China wants to get into to mirror their rivals the USA as culture is a form of power…ications-to-the-world.pdf.…ecolonizing_Pop_Music(pop music as a colonization tool for global hegemony) Pop stars are generally tools nothing wrong with that from their perspective money is money after all. You did look over my point on kpop as a tool of soft culture and generally Chinese celebs are used in a similar manner I have a few interestingly resources on that that I will link here. https://www-jstor-org.login.ez…fe4ef7203ed48589d1d7e7d03…soft-power-roots-of-k-pop…ost-Developmental_Society…anda-machine-2a0740e2839b

    So yes, soft power such as pop music, films soaps etc... are generally tools for state foreign policy though from what I can gain of the current Chinese political situation the CCP wants to appeal to Chinese youth, idols are a useful tool for that. China's treatment of the uighurs incredibly wrong and I agree with you on that I'll make that as directly clear as possible.

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