Do you think nuclear power electricity

  • It is pretty safe and clean if handled with care...

    The thing is, if proper maintenance and safety measures are taken, then among the current options, using nuclear power plants is most efficient and effective. It produces a lot of electricity with each fission/fusion and is definitely a long term resource..

    But only countries who have what it takes to implement it correctly should adopt for it..

    I cannot imagine a whole lot of south Asian countries trying to implement it simply because enough care is not taken by them in a lot of cases..

  • It's safe and clean ONLY if everything is done properly. Nuclear waste/used fuel rods is still extremely radioactive but there no real easy of disposing of it, it's mostly pit in barrels and dumped, sometimes in places it shouldn't be. Power stations themselves are aging and require much needed maintenance to keep them up to date but with the lessening reliance on nuclear financially and ethically there's less incentive to upgrade or maintain them, in fact a lot of stations are either being closed or slowly being phased out. Overall I think current nuclear power infrastructure is becoming less feasible the longer time goes on due on large part to the rise of renewable sources like solar or wind.

    The real game changer will be nuclear fusion. More energy is produced while the only waste product is helium. That it is the holy grail of power. However actually getting a fusion reactor to sustain itself that creates more energy than it uses its still far out. We need a breakthrough in creating an efficient process

  • It was explained a Nuclear Plant has finite operational time. They wear out or become obsolete.

    Japan, Germany and UK are phasing out Nuclear plants. Heard it is by public pressure there isn't new Plants planned to replace them.

    If it is anything like the US environmentalists are making future Plants out of the question.

    Ironic in this age of Climate Change environmentalism. Nuclear Plants are the most practical solution to replace fossil fuel plants. Nuclear temporary bridging the gap so Renewable Energy systems can catch up.

  • It was explained a Nuclear Plant has finite operational time. They wear out or become obsolete.

    Japan, Germany and UK are phasing out Nuclear plants. Heard it is by public pressure there isn't new Plants planned to replace them.

    If it is anything like the US environmentalists are making future Plants out of the question.

    Ironic in this age of Climate Change environmentalism. Nuclear Plants are the most practical solution to replace fossil fuel plants. Nuclear temporary bridging the gap so Renewable Energy systems can catch up.

    If it is anything like the US environmentalists are making - what about this?

  • Their activism against Nuclear Power has made the Idea of constructing new Plants impossible. Nuclear plant Technology is not safe enough because of Radiation long half life times. The idea of something so dangerous will be around for 25,000 years is too much to allow.

    The Nuclear Waste accidents and 25,000 years is hard facts.

    Waste is being stored temporarily at decommissioned Nuclear Plants.

    Recall how Japan is trying to figure best way to dispose of tons of radiated water. Can't just allow it to evaporate. It creates a mess that can last thousands of years.

  • Their activism against Nuclear Power has made the Idea of constructing new Plants impossible. Nuclear plant Technology is not safe enough because of Radiation long half life times. The idea of something so dangerous will be around for 25,000 years is too much to allow.

    The Nuclear Waste accidents and 25,000 years is hard facts.

    Waste is being stored temporarily at decommissioned Nuclear Plants.

    Recall how Japan is trying to figure best way to dispose of tons of radiated water. Can't just allow it to evaporate. It creates a mess that can last thousands of years.

    Looks like still questionable with current technology to send nuclear waste off to outer space somewhere worry free.

    See what Elon musk can do about this with his rockets, he be running for US president making it work.

  • Good idea to remove long term nuclear waste from the Earth. Practicality of handling millions of tons reactive material current technology. Richard Branson's method of getting into Space could be feasible.

    There is still energy in the waste. My want to be able to retrieve the waste later.

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