I have to get this off my chest

  • Okay so Exo comeback has been great, as always they came with amazing music, quality bops and heavenly vocals...

    The MV also looks very fun and so does the choreo, I also loved the fact that they included Lay even though it must have been tough to integrate everything since they shot it in different places...


    I can't really overlook the fact that the MV looks half-assed.. don't get me wrong, the members look so happy themselves and are doing amazing but the MV production team seems to have not put much efforts to give it a clean finish.. They really overlooked the MV in terms of quality production and that pisses me off a little..

    anyways I just had to say it..

    with how SM has been moving these days in terms of giving Exo the proper promo they deserve, this si disappointing but not surprising...

    Going back to spotify to stream the whole album cause its full of bops, you should do the same

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  • The scene at the end with them dancing with the credits was cringe, and poor Lay being edited in like that :pepe-joy:

    But the song has grown on me a lot though

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    idk I kind of like that the MV seems more focused on showing the members and the performance since there probably won't be any live stages unless they prefilmed some performance videos.

  • I was kind of afraid to talk about this as I had the same pov. But I love how EXO members still worked their best for this special album. Having ot7 in the MV made it valuable, our boys honestly deserve more. This might not be the best MV production but the charisma each and every member projected made it special.

    Yeah it being ot7 is very precious and I am honestly loving the Lay screentime.. its just that I feel it could have been executed better..

    idk I kind of like that the MV seems more focused on showing the members and the performance since there probably won't be any live stages unless they prefilmed some performance videos.

    that's a good way to look at it..... but I do think we will get at least one performance video like we did for obsession before (and like aespa did)

  • I understand where you're coming from.

    I hardly look at the MVs in greater detail so this worked for me... Barely....

    Members were having fun and them editing Lay in the last chorus was hilarious

    lmao ikr? even those who came to hate on Lay on pann got distracted by the CG and kept laughing I cant T_T

    lmfao why the heck do you have to word it so hilariously I am supposed to be sad here :pepe-cut::pepe-cut:

    SM and their minimalism only comes into play when its exo.. have you seen the album cover lmao? :pepe-sad:

    at least inside its full of bops :pepe-flirt:

  • I love the MV brcause of the boys. I liked that is focus on them dancing and having fun rather on special effects. It was even more precious to me with Lay edited in the group dance. I miss him so much.

    Members are the only thing which make the MV enjoable to me (and the backup dancers too omg)

    Exo members always hard carrying whatever SM hands them lmao not even surprised :peperun:

  • I still haven’t stopped laughing/crying

    Like wtf is this please. SM clearly did not think exo would still be so popular lol.

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  • The scene at the end with them dancing with the credits was cringe, and poor Lay being edited in like that :pepe-joy:

    But the song has grown on me a lot though

    I loved the MV until that part. zsdolkjghbsdlkfg THE GREEN SCREEN OF IT ALL :pepeshock:

    ~ ω

  • Yeah the M/V has a lot of interesting choices. When i saw bad CG of fighter jets i was like “ok” then they started releasing streaks of red, white, and blue i’m like “aren’t they suppose to be on another planet”?????

    Yeah it was a mess, but the album is solid and i’m gonna assume SM had to rush the concept a bit since members had to enlist.

  • I swear lmaooo

    but I will take them all cause Exo albums <3

    anyways I still haven't ordered any version yet I have no money this month :peperain::peperain:

    maybe you all can tell me which one to buy when you receive them and can judge better

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