This will be the official thread for the Guess the M/V minigame/event.
This is a minigame where I, the host will post screenshots from M/Vs and users will have to guess which M/V it comes from. You must get the M/V (song) name correct. As for group name, I am fine with wrong spellings, just make sure you know which group you are trying to talk about and that it matches with the answer.
This is a summer-themed event so all of the M/V screenshots shown will be from summer-themed Kpop M/Vs.
For each correct answer, I will award 50 akorns to whoever gets it right for each screenshot. There is only one winner per screenshot.
Any questions & concerns you may ask here or in the main announcement thread.
Remember to just have fun. This is just a light-hearted event. There will be more opportunities to win akorns.
The event will be held on Friday June 5th at 8 PM CST.
For those that wish to participate please post here so I know to tag you when it is about to start.