New kpop fans can be obnoxious

  • "America has never heard of your faves" so that means they are flops.

    TVXQ has sold 12 million albums and counting but because no one in North Dakota or Tennessee has heard of them that means they were flops who had no impact.

    f(x) was one of the leading girl groups of their time but because they didn't sell 3 million albums and every video cross 200 million views they are an embarrassment to SM.

    BlackPink and BTS ain't paved SHIT in America. Once they disband kpops 5 minutes of fame will be up (if it's not already). Then the real kpop fans can take back what is rightfully ours because 75% of ARMY and BLINKS will leave kpop when their faves retire.

    The rest of us will still be here.

  • I'm not gonna deny that BTS helped kpop get bigger in the west, but if anybody even dares talk shit about older kpop groups..... :pepe-cute: :pepe-cute::pepe-cute::pepe-cute::pepe-cute::pepe-cute::pepe-cute::pepe-cute::pepe-cute::pepe-cute::pepe-cute::pepe-cute::pepe-cute:

  • You sound bitter.

    I'm sorry for you I guess :wellr:

    Also kpop is definitely on its way to become a sub-culture, not only in the US but elsewhere. Kinda what the manga/anime culture was in the 90's.

  • I'll be honest as hell and say that Kpop is not as big as some of y'all think it is in America

    80% of music consumption in the states is through streaming & like last year bts pulled 1.6B audio streams while bp less then 400M

    I think twice is 3rd with 200M ish

    But kpop consumption is growing rapidly so this year bts might do 2.5B while BP 750M & twice 350M

    Reality is those 3 groups are the only groups Americans are actually checking out

    U have Nct tho that sell physically but very low streams

  • i disagree lol

    yeah there are other markets than america/the west like japan, china, sea that artists can be successful in but that doesn't take away the impact of america/the west on kpop, and bts and blackpink's part in opening that up

    but your last paragraph has me thinking

    we all know the kpop market is oversaturated

    so what happens when bts and blackpink aren't there in 5+ years to bring in new fans from the west?

    what happens to all these groups whose whole gimmick is targeting the west?

    the western market allows groups like ateez and stray kids to be relatively popular and successful even if they're still nugu in sk

    cause tbh there's only so many groups that sk/japan/china/sea can support on their own

    especially since multis aren't really a thing in sk

    so will all these groups end up disbanding and their companies going bankrupt?

    idk you may hate bts and blackpink, but without them there would be far less groups now, and there'll probably be far less groups in the future after they eventually disband.

    i bet it'll go back to just big 3 groups, with everyone else remaining nugu or simply not existing.

    also, won't you be like retired or some shit? it's laughable that you think 2nd gen fans will still be here in 7+ years. everyone's disbanded faves will probably be retired from the entertainment industry by then tbh.

  • I'll be honest as hell and say that Kpop is not as big as some of y'all think it is in America

    Agreed, it's really not lmao even if they've heard some K-pop, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that 85% still view it negatively. If not more.

  • Streaming is the only reason kpop has the small market it has in the US.

    Imagine if CDs were still the only way to listen to music. Do you think any kpop group would be selling a billion albums in the States?

  • I guess I'm one of the few that thinks fewer groups is a good thing.

    The oversaturation will kill the industry. Not the disbandment of BTS and Blackpink.

  • I guess I'm one of the few that thinks fewer groups is a good thing.

    The oversaturation will kill the industry. Not the disbandment of BTS and Blackpink.

    bts and blackpink were the ones that opened up kpop to the west, allowing for this oversaturation.

    without them bringing in new fans, the oversaturation will become an issue because there'll be more groups than just asian fans can support.

    if you want to argue that it's direct or indirect, it doesn't matter. bts and blackpink's disbandment will harm the industry significantly.

    if you're a person who views fewer groups as good and thinks that the mass disbanding of groups and bankruptcy of companies is a "necessary evil", then feel free to view it as bts and blackpink helping the industry once again, even though their disbandment.

    either way, bts and blackpink's disbandment will significantly impact the kpop industry.

  • Streaming is the only reason kpop has the small market it has in the US.

    Imagine if CDs were still the only way to listen to music. Do you think any kpop group would be selling a billion albums in the States?

    Streaming is also more accurate consumption tho

    Cds show fandom power while streams show genuine interest in the music those artists put out

  • bts and blackpink were the ones that opened up kpop to the west, allowing for this oversaturation.

    without them bringing in new fans, the oversaturation will become an issue because there'll be more groups than just asian fans can support.

    if you want to argue that it's direct or indirect, it doesn't matter. bts and blackpink's disbandment will harm the industry significantly.

    if you're a person who views fewer groups as good and thinks that the mass disbanding of groups and bankruptcy of companies is a "necessary evil", then feel free to view it as bts and blackpink helping the industry once again, even though their disbandment.

    either way, bts and blackpink's disbandment will significantly impact the kpop industry.

    Yeah bts & bp bring crazy amount of potential kpop listeners every year & even tho army/blink still consume & buy their bias stuff, we still end up checking out what kpop has to offer

    So yeah I agree their disbandment will hurt the industry big time

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