I see so much hate for her in this forum for unnecessary reasons, saying she's a plant or people are just token stanning her blah blah
But tbh her music is much more refreshing than the boring ass music on the charts. I never really listened to Western music that much in the recent years so I'll be honest, the way I find out what is the more popular songs, is by looking up the year end charts on what are the top 100 songs on the year end charts and what do I hear? MONEY BOOBS ASS DRUGS BITCH ASS FK FK DICK (I'm not even kidding)
Then comes Olivia. I actually didn't know about her until people started bashing her on this forum and this intruged me into listening to her music, and it gives me a bit of Avril Lavigne pop rock vibes and I'm kinda loving it? She even the song just like Avril Lavigne did
Pop rock needs to make a real revival, not all these dumbass songs shaking their ass and boobs all the way to top 20 of the charts