how weird is it if...

  • I have extreme urge to crossdress someday

    not in everyday life of course, but once in a while on a special occasion

    not necessarily over the top, just things like feminine hairstyles or eyeshadow and lipstick or androgynous fashion, etc.

    is it too weird coming from a very straight very cis adult male?

    How much will it affect others' perceptions of me?

  • by special occasion, i mean event of course

    whats the point doing it at home

    ???? I don't know the purpose of doing it at home or crossdressing etiquette or whatever lol

    well it depends on the event obviously...prom - probably not! work event definitely not! some crossdressing party sure put on whatever you feel like

    remember context and circumstances might also prepare those at such an event for your change in behaviour lest you want to be judged even more than you are if you were to suddenly surprise people with it

  • ???? I don't know the purpose of doing it at home or crossdressing etiquette or whatever lol

    well it depends on the event obviously...prom - probably not! work event definitely not! some crossdressing party sure put on whatever you feel like

    remember context and circumstances might also prepare those at such an event for your change in behaviour lest you want to be judged even more than you are if you were to suddenly surprise people with it

    im sure there's no dressing etiquette in a party or a club, unless you're going naked ( a lot people do strip eventually ) or like a homeless person ( still probably allowed )

    and wdym by change in behaviour

  • im sure there's no dressing etiquette in a party or a club, unless you're going naked ( a lot people do strip eventually ) or like a homeless person ( still probably allowed )

    and wdym by change in behaviour

    I don't what event you're going to go to so thus I don't know the dress code or whatever or anything lol

    what i mean is unless you've done this before the very first time you do it, it's going to be seen as a change in behaviour correct? ie the people at the event (especially if you are friends with them or friends of friends) will go wow dong's suddenly in crossdress *judge judge gossip gossip* no?

    thus you may want to give such people a heads up beforehand no???

    I mean I'll give you a personal example - a friend had an engagement party and all of our friends came along and were invited however one mutual female friend decided to bring along a female date and suddenly surprised the group that she was (either lesbian or bi i can't remember) which shocked the group since she had no indication that she was lesbian or bi which sorta overshadowed the entire party...

    thus the circumstances and context matter

  • yeah exactly what im curious about

    whether it affects me inside or not, its still going to ruin my day if i feel alienated at a public event

  • i work by this rule too but the mind questions everything

    if i want to crossdress, answers on a kpop forum wont change my mind

    but im still curious about what to expect

    Well yeah it makes sense to kind of go through the whole situation in your mind first

    I'm female and I feel like the crossdressing I do isn't as noticable as a guy walking around in a dress but it sticks out sometimes

    Once you get comfortable with it more, you won't notice people looking at you

  • yeah exactly what im curious about

    whether it affects me inside or not, its still going to ruin my day if i feel alienated at a public event

    I mean I can only go by what I've experienced in my social group and my environment...

    while we (my group) are all open and accepting it doesn't mean we aren't gossipy or surprised or taken-aback by certain things that deviate from the norm...

    in the ideal world it should be 100% acceptable for you to dress whatever you want (within the dress code obviously) at the event but we are not in an ideal world thus you must decide for yourself whether you crossdressing will bring disrepute (maybe disrepute is not the right word but judgment?) to either yourself or the event...

    now if you know that people are going to judge you (harshly) and poke and prod and treat you like some sort of entertainment at such an event then it may be not worthwhile crossdressing or at least like i said earlier give the host a heads up if such actions are acceptable...(again I don't know you nor the event nor the circumstances so take what i say with a grain of sale lol)

  • We are more liberal than ever as species. If there's any time in history to do it, it's now. We have made great strides on things like same sex marriage, lbgt movements, etc and have been more accepting and open to these idea than ever. Not saying this is what you fall under but this is how you will be perceived and that's okay.

    I wouldn't just rip the bandage right off though. I suggest doing it at home in your own privacy first, take baby steps. You said you wanted to see what it's like. You can still get a lot of what it will feel like doing it in private. And if you like it and enjoy it, then you can move on and go out in public with it.

    There will always be people who will judge you but honestly, those who do and those who will react most negatively too it are people who shouldn't matter to you anyways. I think the usual expectation is most people will react negatively to it, you may be surprised by how much people actually accept it once they get pass the initial "shock"

  • I for once, have a "girly" Hairstyle cause i haven't cut my hair in 8 months (and they had some length back then already).

    Also... I sometimes paint my nails, like when i wanna feel good. I did this with my mom since i was little.

    Once a year a friend of mine holds a gender bender party and you can bet your ass i go as the girl in a skin tight dress so everyone can see my nice butt hahaha

    You shouldn't worry too much about these things, do whatever makes you feel good.

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