Are you more or less a kpop fan if you don't listen to BTS?
BTS is undoubtedly the biggest kpop group, boy group, group currently but not everyone needs to listen to them or like them by that matter...
after all we have free will to like or not like or listen or not listen to whoever
kpop has existed before bts and will probably continue long after bts disbands...
Just bored and felt like starting crap huh?
You even threw in the 'pave the way' trigger for good measure lol.
Hope you get the hit you crave.
Lol I'm crazy bored tonight. Hence this weak thread. I just wanted to post something and didn't feel like waiting till a good idea came to mind lol
plsss i love the honesty lmao 💀
Lmao I admire the honesty. You're already getting serious replies so bait is working.
Troll on I guess
At least you’re honest about it lmao
here we go again
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