How often do Actor/Actress get offered in a role?

  • well if the drama in which they are starting is filmed for 8-9 months, and to that they participate in some promotions of it, or they are invited to variety shows after premiere etc. then we can coun't it's even longer time, like near one year for one drama, then it's obvious they need a break

  • Of course, it really depends on their popularity. But usually, an actor takes one role/year if it's the main role (except if you are Song Kang and take 4 at once lol), and 2 roles/year if it's a supporting role.

    It might look easy, but they don't only read the script and play it, they have several script readings, rehearsals and, depending on the role, they need to prepare for it a lot. I know Song Kang learned ballet for 6 months prior to the filming Navilliera, and Park Seo Joon worked out a lot for his role in Divine Fury. So it's a lot of work behind and it takes 4-6 months to record everything. Plus, it depends on the financial side. Maybe a plot is good, but if the payment is low or if the staff demands lots of conditions, it's not worth it.

    Tbh, I think it's better not to take lots of roles since people will get bored faster if they see the same actors in dramas.

    Ah, and if you see a 2 years gap between drama roles, you should check if they accepted a movie role in the meantime because that's what they usually do.

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