i'm currently seeing that guy i met on tinder. he's quite cute. i like him.
but the thing is
i'm seeing another person at the same time :// she's been my s*xfriend for quite a while now
and the guy is starting to catch feeling for me. and i don't think it's just a crush. he says he loves me??? (which is quite weird to me bc we only met 2 times, even tho we've been talking for a very long time)
he doesn't know im having s*x with another person than him. he wants an exclusive relationship with someone... and i don't. especially with him. i mean, i barely know him.
the bigger problem: last night, i met my s*xfriend, and huuh she gave me a shit ton of hickeys, and im seeing the tinder guy tomorow... he's definitely going to see it. should i tell him everything???? im so scared of his reaction