Guys put themselves in the friendzone then whine about it

  • They buy stuff the girl did not request, make favors that weren't asked for, then get mad if the girl still don't give af about him. I'm sorry but it's their own fault for interpreting every little thing as a sign that she was interested in them. It looks like they project their own desire on the other person to the point they don't even seem to see them as actual people but just an object they want to get. Just because someone is friendly doesn't mean they want to date you, jeez that should be fucking obvious. It creates such an awkward situation that could have been avoided. If you can't be friends with someone without wanting to f*** them then tbh you shouldn't even interact with them in the first place!

    Sorry if i sound too angry I'm just bothered about a situation at work

    narcissistic, my god i love it


  • I am pretty sure not all guys are like this. When there is darkness, there is always light!tenor.gif


    It's not, i have other coworkers and thank god they aren't like that. But unfortunately there's still a good portion of guys who feel entitled about a girl just because she's friendly and they're a "nice" guy.

    narcissistic, my god i love it


  • The good thing is that men are starting to turn away from interacting with women IRL and they are just simping OnlyFan models or egirl streamers. Everyone should know by now that if you aren't physically attractive you should have zero expectations of getting into a sexual relationship with someone, whether long or short term

  • The good thing is that men are starting to turn away from interacting with women IRL and they are just simping OnlyFan models or egirl streamers. Everyone should know by now that if you aren't physically attractive you should have zero expectations of getting into a sexual relationship with someone, whether long or short term

    You are a perfect example of a fucking moronic dumb ass, get off the god damn internet.

  • The good thing is that men are starting to turn away from interacting with women IRL and they are just simping OnlyFan models or egirl streamers. Everyone should know by now that if you aren't physically attractive you should have zero expectations of getting into a sexual relationship with someone, whether long or short term

    It's not even about being physically attractive tbh, it's about not creating any expectation at all and stop projecting what you want to see on other people and get mad if the other person don't respond the way you expect because of *this and that* as if they aren't actual human beings with thoughts and desires of their own and not a random robot that will react the way you want if you do "all the right steps". Whether you're good looking or not, if you do this no one will want your creepy ass. Or at least no one who love themselves first.

    narcissistic, my god i love it


  • They buy stuff the girl did not request, make favors that weren't asked for, then get mad if the girl still don't give af about him. I'm sorry but it's their own fault for interpreting every little thing as a sign that she was interested in them. It looks like they project their own desire on the other person to the point they don't even seem to see them as actual people but just an object they want to get. Just because someone is friendly doesn't mean they want to date you, jeez that should be fucking obvious. It creates such an awkward situation that could have been avoided. If you can't be friends with someone without wanting to f*** them then tbh you shouldn't even interact with them in the first place!

    Sorry if i sound too angry I'm just bothered about a situation at work

    Sorry you're going through this men can be stupid idiots some times but so can women. I have an ex who can't get shit through his thick skull that he's not going to get anything out of me after the shit he put through and he keeps trying. Makes me want to punch them in the face with a soldering iron. If it's a co-worker I'm sure it makes the work environment unpleasant, I can imagine how stressful that is for you. I guess maybe at this point a girl needs to be blunt.

  • It's not even about being physically attractive tbh, it's about not creating any expectation at all and stop projecting what you want to see on other people and get mad if the other person don't respond the way you expect because of *this and that* as if they aren't actual human beings with thoughts and desires of their own and not a random robot that will react the way you want if you do "all the right steps". Whether you're good looking or not, if you do this no one will want your creepy ass. Or at least no one who love themselves first.

    Those men resort to "methods" because they are unattractive and never had "luck" with women. If two people are mutually attracted to each other then everything is easier and almost automatic in terms of building a relationship

  • Right, you know more about this world than a man who lived almost 40 decades of life and went through hell and back.

    Just focus on oppa

    dude im half your age and while i agree that user was immature and unnecessarily rude, I think you are a bit too blackpilled

    Ive never considered myself attractive ( maybe presentable at best ) and I mean objectively as well cause Ive gotten used to so many different appearances while sketching

    but I've never had that much trouble finding mutual attraction

    of course you mean hordes of people coming over at you, those are just immature people with fantasies

    its different for everyone

    do know that people have types they are conscious of and types they are not conscious of

    and good chemistry can break almost any of these "unconscious" types

    you'd have to be an empty shell of a person as well as having an inhuman appearance to not be mildly attractive to anyone

    maybe you've only been around people who have specific conscious types they focus on, but its definitely not true for all

  • physical attraction is different from just finding someone "good looking"

  • Right, you know more about this world than a man who lived almost 40 decades of life and went through hell and back.

    Just focus on oppa

    You are a disgusting piece of shit who never talks about kpop and only posts about sexual shit anything that comes out of your mouth is utter bullshit. 40 decades? grow up you disgusting prick.

    My rudeness towards you is because these people obviously don't see or know the kind of shit you post about on kpop forums. KPOP FORUMS.

    Anyone that takes your advice really should take a step back and see what kind of a person you are based on the disgusting shit you post. Not just here but OTHER forums. KPOP, and you talk about sexual disgusting shit 24/7. you're in no place to give advice.

  • physical attraction is different from just finding someone "good looking"

    as i said

    ive had less experience than you for sure but from my experience, physical attraction cannot be pointed out so easily and there are a LOT of unconscious things going on that affect it and you can never really call someone objectively not physically attractive to anyone out there

    unless they have a non human appearance and no personality

    now the percentage of people one can be attractive to varies greatly and if a guy who's clearly on the lower end only goes for those who are on the higher end, chances are he's going to end up whining about being friendzoned

    this might be a bit of a redpill but you're legit blackpilled

  • You are a disgusting piece of shit who never talks about kpop and only posts about sexual shit anything that comes out of your mouth is utter bullshit. 40 decades? grow up you disgusting prick. My rudeness towards you is because these people obviously don't see or know the kind of shit you post about on kpop forums. KPOP FORUMS.

    So you are stalking a random forum user that posts content you don't like. How wise of you.

    There should be more people like you

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