TW// Racist white teacher calls her student n-word

  • getting accused of being a nazi is not racism. nazi is not a slur. i've never seen the word nazi be used towards white people the way the n word is used towards black people. most likely, if someone is being accused of being a nazi, it's because they did some nazi shit.

    agree with your second point.

    • It is racism
    • The Korean beauty standard of having pale skin (white people aren't as dark as black people but my skin is considerably darker than what is acceptable), in most jobs you have to give your employer a picture and if you aren't pretty enough (white people aren't pretty according to their standards) you don't get a good job, most high payed job employers won't employ you if your name sounds foreign, people can be denied service here depending on your ethnicity or skin color, because family background and status is a big part of relationships here many families won't give their permission for their child to date or god forbid marry a white or foreign person
    • All neighborhoods aren't safe for a white female after dark because we are seen as prostitutes, only because we are white
    • Every single man who has come up to me and touched me or asked me how much I cost has harmed me, physically and mentally
    • SLUR: to make damaging or insulting allegations about someone, so you mean being called a prostitute almost everyday by pervy men isn't a slur?
    • I think it's in your best interest if you stop saying 'white people have never and will never', especially from your limited point of view

    Go ahead and tell me how I have never been slured at, faced racism or been judged due to my color of skin

    You don't know me

  • Obviously everyone is a potential victim. Whites can get killed for being white, whether you call it race prejudice or reverse racism, it's still hate. Doesn't lessen the fact a crime was done. People don't choose to be born the race they are in, unless they spend a lot of money to modify themselves physically

    At the same time, some victims have more privileges than others. A kidnapped white child will have more privileges than a kidnapped black child and so forth.

    But privilege is very touchy subject among kpop fans.

  • baepsaechan  hopemin  theVillain

    We can all agree here to follow the golden rule and treat others how we’d like to be treatd, correct?

    That’s one thing we can all agree on. At least there’s common ground there.

    I can agree that if a user made a comment claiming to hate any other race and another user began to encourage hate against that same race those users would be banned almost instantly.

    Racism is never okay.

    • It is racism
    • The Korean beauty standard of having pale skin (white people aren't as dark as black people but my skin is considerably darker than what is acceptable), in most jobs you have to give your employer a picture and if you aren't pretty enough (white people aren't pretty according to their standards) you don't get a good job, most high payed job employers won't employ you if your name sounds foreign, people can be denied service here depending on your ethnicity or skin color, because family background and status is a big part of relationships here many families won't give their permission for their child to date or god forbid marry a white or foreign person
    • All neighborhoods aren't safe for a white female after dark because we are seen as prostitutes, only because we are white
    • Every single man who has come up to me and touched me or asked me how much I cost has harmed me, physically and mentally
    • SLUR: to make damaging or insulting allegations about someone, so you mean being called a prostitute almost everyday by pervy men isn't a slur?
    • I think it's in your best interest if you stop saying 'white people have never and will never', especially from your limited point of view

    Go ahead and tell me how I have never been slured at, faced racism or been judged due to my color of skin

    You don't know me

    It's not racism because it's not systemic.

    That's unfortunate, but it sounds like that's because you're foreign and not Korean, not just because you're white. Those things don't solely affect white people, since black people would also not fit Korean beauty standards and would be treated different as foreigners.

    I'm sorry you have to face that. That's a really horrifying situation.

    No, prostitute, is not a racial slur. It's horrible and dehumanizing, but it's not simply based off of your race and it doesn't have the same context as the n word or another racial slur.

    I do have a limited perspective as an American. I'll admit that. I stand by my original point though. White people don't face systemic racism and will never face racism in the ways that black people and poc have. It's not a double standard.

  • Wrong. Slav comes from slava (слава) which means glory. It's a self naming of Slavic people, not how the others called them.



    Middle English: shortening of Old French esclave, equivalent of medieval Latin sclava (feminine) ‘Slavonic (captive)’: the Slavonic peoples had been reduced to a servile state by conquest in the 9th century.


    The English term slave derives from the ethnonym Slav. In medieval wars many Slavs were captured and enslaved, which led to the word slav becoming synonym to "enslaved person".

  • Maybe you should clarify you're talking about the USA specifically then. Because in other parts of the world, different rules apply. Shocking, right?

    I'm not necessarily talking about the USA specifically. The atlantic slave trade's impact on black people is incomparable to anything any other group of people have faced. This has affected black people everywhere, not just in the U.S. There is nothing else that has had such an influence on race and the way that a group of people are viewed and treated throughout the world. I honestly don't believe anything that white people in any other part of the world have faced has been anywhere near this scale.

  • slave


    Middle English: shortening of Old French esclave, equivalent of medieval Latin sclava (feminine) ‘Slavonic (captive)’: the Slavonic peoples had been reduced to a servile state by conquest in the 9th century.

    The English term slave derives from the ethnonym Slav. In medieval wars many Slavs were captured and enslaved, which led to the word slav becoming synonym to "enslaved person".

    OK we had a different approach to etymology. I toled you the original meaning. And the Brits used something else.

  • Is that mad woman fired?

    Really? Eastern Europeans have much to tell about it. :wink:

    I don't think it's possible now, but half of your sentence was wrong.

    Are you seriously bringing up the Mongols? This is just silly. The concept of race in the modern sense wasn't even invented until the 1800s.

  • So it's a competition? It's either you suffer the most or you don't suffer at all? No middle ground? No silver medal?

    That's not what I said wtf. White people don't experience racism in the same way as black people have because of the atlantic slave trade's lasting impact on how black people are treated throughout the world. Nothing white people have experienced has had that same effect. This is not a hard concept.

  • That's not what I said wtf. White people don't experience racism in the same way as black people have because of the atlantic slave trade's lasting impact on how black people are treated throughout the world. Nothing white people have experienced has had that same effect. This is not a hard concept.

    And I'm saying the experiences you're speaking of mostly take place in America. I'm not saying there's no racism anywhere else towards black people, that would be silly; but only in America was there such a long lasting exploitation of black slaves which still impacts how people interact with each other.

    Black people in America are descendants of slaves; black people in Europe are African immigrants or descendants of African immigants. It's completely different.

  • Moderator

    Closed the thread.
    • Official Post

    hopemin  Alex_Murphy  0neechan  theVillain  JaedaKim  baepsaechan

    I know the thread is closed and I originally wasn't going to respond, but I already know this debate about whether something is racism will come up again.

    Just some things:

    • Anyone has the ability to be racist. Not everyone has the ability to oppress.
    • Racism exists in many forms. Not all racism has to be systemic or institutional.
    • Black people have always had it bad on a global scale. I think most people know that. I just don't think it's fair to make this a competition. Other races have been killed and persecuted for their race. There are non-black people out there who were victimized by genocide. It was be a disservice to them AND black victims to compare them when they've suffered and passed away from these heinous acts.
    • It's dangerous to say minorities can't be racist because that's exactly the mindset that causes us to start hurting and even killing each other. Racism is a strong word. Racism is a huge problem and it involves hate that causes us to hurt each other mentally, emotionally, and physically. Let's call it as it is when it happens. There's no justification for it.

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