This is the largest security detail I've ever seen for an idol group entering the airport

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    Holy =O:wow::wow:

    Good luck with the blacklisting, industry. I don't think it's going to work out how you hope it will.

  • This level of security should be STANDARD for all groups!

    That way, no ass-hat fan can be in the groups' personal spaces!!

  • Good luck with the blacklisting, industry. I don't think it's going to work out how you hope it will.

    Blacklisting is near impossible in the age of social media.

    Yes, it is possible by US or Chinese govts, who can lean on social media platforms.

    Zuckerberg has revealed how US agencies leaned on facebook to suppress stuff like Biden Laptop and Covid questioning etc., And of course China is far harsher.

    But otherwise for non-govts., it is near impossible.

    Kakao/Naver might in S.Korea, but there are enough alternatives that it would be pointless.

    The days where print and broadcast media were easily controlled are gone.

    If they try to, it will cause a Streisand effect and New Jeans will only get more popular for being blacklisted.

    I think HYBE/ADOR, industry associations have already failed with NJ, they are still raking up mentions, appearances etc., despite severing ties. No news of any advertisers dropping them.

    Yes, it is still early. But NJ manage to stay active like this for another year, dropping new music as well.

    No matter the legal proceedings, they would have won in the court of public opinion and industries like Kpop public opinion matters a lot.

  • That's exactly what I've been trying to explain to people.

    I've never denied that certain organizations, specifically HYBE, would try to intimidate and silence NewJeans through blacklisting and blackmailing, but that's really a double edged sword in disguise. As you said, it's only going to make people support and rally behind NewJeans even more.

    It's already happening actually. The translations haven't hit international fan spaces yet, but Koreans are pissed off at the statement that was put out today and they're raging on every article.

    Ironically, HYBE and these unions are only strengthening the legal case for NewJeans while inspiring more people to stand against them. They're so used to abusing their power and influence to bully "lessers" into submission, but they've failed to read the room and realize that it's not going to work with NewJeans.

    At this point, they're not declaring war against NewJeans and MHJ but most of the public, who are adamantly supporting them. They're kidding themselves if they think NewJeans care about music shows and Circle. They can't erase the history NewJeans already made there, and the girls are on to bigger and better challenges.

  • NJ's risk is that public memory is short and they quickly move on to other things.

    So if the girls don't retain momentum, music and appearances - that is when the HYBE & institutions will strike.

  • NJ's risk is that public memory is short and they quickly move on to other things.

    So if the girls don't retain momentum, music and appearances - that is when the HYBE & institutions will strike.

    That's the genius of their chess move in just terminating their contracts and not filing lawsuit or injunction. They don't have to leave the public eye or stop promoting. All those court cases can drag on while NewJeans pursue their careers alongside MHJ. Worst case scenario, they end up having to pay some sum of money, but they will have still been promoting and active that entire time.

    The sooner people realize HYBE can't actually stop them, which is why they keep putting out statements through these corrupt organizations to try to convince the public NewJeans is on the precipice of ruining K-Pop, the better.

    These outdated strong arm bully tactics are NOT going to be effective, but the crusty old men who have been the gatekeepers of K-Pop for so long don't know any other tricks and will continue to throw these temper tantrums as they watch their toxic grip on the industry continue to weaken.

  • Hi,

    Unfortunately in my world this just means that the threat of physical violence is real and extra precautions are necessary.

    This is part of the consequences of Hybedor and their constant media play, the company and group stans posting vile and disgusting things incite violence.

    You read some of things being said about them and you’d think they committed the worst sin imaginable. The victim shaming is atrocious.

    All it takes is one lunatic trying to impress or misinterpret the media play to attempt something awful.


  • I wonder if it would be good move for NJ5 to do a guerilla performance during the impeachment protests..

    Or for any nugu group...yes they will antagonize one section of the population, but will gain traction from other sections, so for groups who have not made it, it is worth the risk.

  • That's the genius of their chess move in just terminating their contracts and not filing lawsuit or injunction. They don't have to leave the public eye or stop promoting.

    Just saw this

    Shinhan Financial decides not to renew advertising contract with NewJeans
    Shinhan Financial Group has decided not to renew their advertising model contract with NewJeans.The decision follows NewJeans' recent announcement …

    Even if the contract was originally meant only for the limited time, if advertisers ditch them, it will be difficult for them.

    The challenge is also that they probably can't use "New Jeans" and advertisers will be risk averse without the branding.

  • It's to be expected while their branding is being sorted out.

    HYBE already tried to media play this as a termination, but Shinhan themselves commented and refuted that framing, clarifying that the contract has simply expired and that it was not a termination. HYBE then took down those defamatory articles. So even in this situation, the advertisers are just waiting for everything to settle at worst, and they refuse to be used as ammo by HYBE.

    We already know advertisers are looking for ways to continue their deals with NewJeans directly, and really it's just a matter of everything getting resolved before more deals expire.

    They JUST inked some huge brand deals, such as Calvin Klein and Indomie, and have literally dozens of them in their bag, so they'll be fine.

  • I wonder what will happen with OG staffs like managers and choreographers, will they terminate their contract as well? Those are MHJ's peeps, unlikely they'll stick around.

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    + the drama with the manager regarding the contracts with the brands... I'm pretty sure most people loyal to MHJ are terminating their contracts.

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