As if anyone needs any more proof Korean Corporate Reputation Research Institute Brand Rep rankings is a giant pile of dung, but here we are...

  • The only thing people in Korea have moved on from is listening to LSF's music like they did pre-controversy

    I do not enjoy typing that, as they are my second favorite current gen girl group, but Crazy is their worst performing title track in Korea easily, and it's obvious why.

    Anyways, I'm going to leave this twitter thread here so people can learn about the absolute humanitarian responsible for this index

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  • South Korea is a one party consent state, so this type of interaction is quite common.

    Putting a name to a statement given out is standard whether it is done by an employee or not. The employee represents and speaks for the institute.

    In customer service, this is why representatives start by giving out their name. 'X said this. Can you confirm this?'

    Whether it is a public company or a government institution, you ask for the name of the employee if you want to move up the chain of command.

  • It could be a translation quirk because it sounds to me like the threat is based on the association of that person's name with the information being put out. It's not like rep could prevent that information from going out once they said it.

    I'm not sure about the defending of the list. Last time we discussed this, I think it said that the exact methodology wasn't released to the public, so it's hard to judge what they're actually ranking beyond the name since it doesn't seem to match what's actually going on. What I would've found illuminating is getting the answer to this question in bold:

    Since it would give us more insight into how this thing is made up.

    A customer representative will often time not give out their actual name when asked; they often make up names for a variety of reasons, including privacy. Asking for an employee name on a call, if they choose to give out a fake one, will confirm nothing in that case even on a recorded line. Voiced logs with call records, which can more easily be confirmed before the era of AI (the voice, I mean), or written logs are always superior in cases where you actually want to show that X said Y.

  • Different company have different policies, but I'm saying that it isn't an unreasonable request. People routinely do so.

    Also, you are taking the example too literally. The employee in question didn't mention that the call is being recorded, so I doubt voice logs are being kept. The solution you give doesn't match this situation.

    This seems to be a data/brand consulting firm. It is their job to explain and defend their methodology, not threaten to sue anyone that asks about a certain result.

  • I knew it, it all a conspiracy to keep Tri.Be from blowing up.

  • I would have maybe, maybe, believed the excuse of bad publicity if the other Hybe girl groups were falling down the rankings too but nope. For all the talk about LSF and Illit being the "real victims" of a hate campaign, their ranking has barely been affected even though their standing in the public has definitely fallen. Meanwhile NewJeans has retained all their endorsements, even the one with shinhan bank (HSH famously being dropped this year for her coke rants), gained new brand deals and had back to back hits but they've been falling like a stone? Really? :meme-what:

    I hope someone finds a direct link between Hybe and that company so NewJeans has more tangible proof they're doing damage to the brand.



  • Different company have different policies, but I'm saying that it isn't an unreasonable request. People routinely do so.

    Also, you are taking the example too literally. The employee in question didn't mention that the call is being recorded, so I doubt voice logs are being kept. The solution you give doesn't match this situation.

    This seems to be a data/brand consulting firm. It is their job to explain and defend their methodology, not threaten to sue anyone that asks about a certain result.

    I think that is a fair critique. Though, I would assume a call log has to have been recorded on either side in order to actually verify the call went as the original Korean user says it did. Otherwise, anyone can just say that they made the contents of the call up.

    If someone individually feels like they may in danger of being defamed, then they have every right to threaten, whether at work or not. I've already agreed that the reason for the threat seems ambiguous, so I don't see a reason to continue that thread.

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    Given the immediately defensive and hostile response, sounds like both people got the same person. Goo himself.

  • The only thing people in Korea have moved on from is listening to LSF's music like they did pre-controversy

    And probably this is the reason you can't see much negativity about them online. It's basically their fans posting positive comments, that's why they're high on the list.

    I mean, that's the whole reason Mamamoo and SNSD (even as a 17 year old group) are on this list as well.

    People only write hate comments when the topic is mainstream, and LSF is anything but mainstream nowadays. The whole Kpop is about this stupid HYBE drama.

  • Asia Brand Research Institute unveils for the first time ‘Brand Index for Girlgroup Members’ following suspicions surrounding Korea Corporate Reputation Institute ‘Brand Reputation’:

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  • I’ve thought BR was bogus for like a year now lol. The ranking is nonsensical half the time. aespa for example will randomly launch up and down while on hiatus (even taking into account random viral moments). It’s just like one guy and his opinion.

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