Favorite Songs from IU's "Lilac" Album
nothing good comes easy
ooh Another Nigerian
Coin My Sea Empty Cup
I like all of them....
Now for 2 and 3 it's a bit hard.
#2 Hi spring bye. I'm weak against ballads.
#3 Epilogue. I like it since it's slow.
I could easily put other song. Tomorrow it may be another one.
I changed my mind. Coin is so good I have to put it in first.
#1 Coin
#2 My Sea
#3 Epilogue
(sorry spring sorry)
I enjoyed the whole album overall! It may grow on me even more with time
Empty Cup is def. my favourite, but I also really liked Lilac, Flu, Troll, Coin and Epilogue
I'm surprised the two more prominent ballads (Hi Spring Bye and My Sea) aren't hitting me as hard in the feels as I expected. I feel like both songs kind of followed a typical ballad sound (?) , which I like, dont get me wrong, but I guess didn't manage to wow me this time lmao.
I do love some parts of them tho, especially the last 2 minutes in My Sea when the choir starts singing and she hits that flawless high note. That part is just so SO SO BEAUTIFUL
Coin, My Sea, Epilogue and Lilac
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