aespa Supernova: theory and interpretation of the mv and the link with the Hybe/Ador civil war

  • So guys i have a theory on aespa Supernova release :pepe-mirror-glare: .

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    After watching that MV over and over again, i found some very interesting and peculiar elements :pepe-magnify: .

    So to start, let's analyze the colors and the meanings they can hold and what they could symbolize.

    Firstly, Karina for example falls hard on the car and crush it with her body. There was an article on korean sites that was translated and which said that this scene was reenacting a very famous suicide scene that happened in the 70s. And people were saying that it would have been a gruesome event to be inspired for an mv.

    But the thing is, Karina doesn’t die. She actually looks very confident and smirks back at the camera while licking her fang. And that reminds me of MHJ. She aint letting anyone kill her off. She is gonna fight back and she is gonna enjoy it.

    Now lets look at what she is wearing. We can see that she has a blue, red and black cloth on which represents the korean flag, the taeguk. And she is demonstrating strengh and power. For me, she represents MHJ and korean power and pride in this mv. Contrary to sserafim's mv Burn the bridge where the colors symbolizing the korean flag get broken and walked upon by Eunchae.

    Also she is wearing a cross while Giselle on the other side is wearing a star (that could also represent a pintagramme and therefore symbolize the occult and dan world beliefs).

    Also Giselle in this mv is wearing yellow and black (hybe colors) and she is the only japanese member as well so she also represents Japan but more specifically the imperialistic japan propaganda/power that hybe/dan world are trying to promote and with which they want to dominate the market.

    The mv also keeps on repeting 'dying star' which could signify that mhj/korean forces are actually trying to take down the dan worlds power and monopoly (at last in the industry). Also because they are getting to greedy and completly ruthless towards the competition WHICH is actually needed in the industry and is a major driving force for creativity, innovation and novelty which in the end benefits kpop and the whole market.

    Anyway Giselle is acting deranged, psychotic, ill, scrared during the whole mv and is getting attacked left from right. But specially by NingNing and also Karina.

    Now lets take a look Ningning, well we know she is chinese right. And her hair has redish colors, she also wears a red top at some point and the dance breaks that she leads is lightened all in red. To me she symbolizes China and in this context specifically Kakao. Kakao is the great money and power house that is supporting this war Karina/Korea is weaging in the mv against Giselle/Japan/Bang. She breaks walls and sets Giselle house on fire and laugh about it without any remorse. Why a birthday cake tho you might wonder?

    Well that cake reminds me of the birthday cake Eunchae was throwing in the unforgiven ep while having a hanging bunny by the head on her arm. Which was also interprated as Bang reveling his attentions towards NJs in the song Unforgiven. Which now got confirmed whith hybes intention to kill of njs by putting them in a 2 years hiatus. How often we don't know, until they fade into obscurity I guess. WHILE mass promoting Illit and trying to replace NJ with them.

    Well Ning/Kakao blows of the hybe building and sets the whole things on fire while mocking the cake and burning Giselles phone on it. The phone probably symbolizes bangs plan concerning NJ/MHJ.

    This also can be linked to Karina's body bangs part. As you know, the word bang gets often repetted during this song. When karina throws her finger to Giselle and destroys her phone (planes) and says she is a queen of cruelty and the final scene is coming. The finale scene being hybe burning. And then the chorus keeps on repeting it's imminent. Crazy things for hybe are in coming. Just wait.

    You remember when they sing ' bang bang, don't forget my name name' -> su su su supernova!

    Now lets look at Winter. Winter is wearing Pink and i think she symbolises SM core in the mv. We can also see her mocking Giselles/misfortune in the mv and just laughing from afar. To me she also represents Lee Soo Man. When she gets thrown away in the air into nothingness it reminds me of how Bang casted SooMan in China with a non compete.

    Yet in the mv we can see that Winter starts flying and is just having fun in the air like she aint getting defeated and she is actually rolling wherever she is and just having fun watching this fire and giselles ending take place.

    At some point during the bridge she even mentions, 'an invisible hand/force' asking if she should give a hand to someone in need of help. Maybe Sooman is saying through her that he is also helping MHJ in this hybe/ador war. And awaiting and gloating about hybe's downfall.

    (also on a side it makes sense that kakao, the parent compagny of sm would get involved as well and for various reasons. They probably also would want to hire MHJ and invest in her projects)

    So in conclusion, to me this mv Supernova AND this Hybe/Ador war symbolizes and showcases a collaboration / alliance between MHJ + LSM + SM + Kakao to bring down Hybe and the influence of the sinister anti korean dan world cult in the korean industry.

    Also I would like to add that the whole industry is feed up with hybe and they all very likely feel that hybe is a direct threat to their existence.

    From sm to yg creatives, many are giving support to MHJ in this battle. They're all also saying that Hybe steals their employees. Akd who knows maybe hybe is also behind sojang. We know how much Bangs wants to crush his rivals and can’t stand any competition 🤨.

    Hybe's plan to hold a monopoly on the market might get them a lot of ennemies and resentement from other compagnies who will use this hybe/ador war as an occasions to attack hybe.

    Also MHJ is probably even getting political support and connections from pro korea/anti japanese, pro christian cicrles of power and money in south korea. Hence her going on a christian chanel and talking about protecting the cultural propriety of korean acts and kpop etc.

    Hencefore why that fire took place right before aespa's recording in mcountdown. It's hybe/dan world that perfectly understood the meaning of Supernova and trying to sabotage the whole project out of spite and anger. I wouldn't be surpised if many anti aespa articles might pop out during this comback as well, all made in hybe of course :pepe-tea: .

    Anyway jam to supernova :pepemusic: uh ah oh yeah :twerkingpepe::pepe-dj: . Its a MEGA bop :pepe-cowboy: .

  • Tatiana1820

    Changed the title of the thread from “aespa Supernova: theory and interpretation and the link with the Hybe/Ador war” to “aespa Supernova: theory and interpretation of the mv and the link with the Hybe/Ador civil war”.
  • It's okay if you think so, it's obviously beyond your understanding :saint: .

    Thanks for reading tho :iconpepe: .

  • Goddamn, what did Tatiana do to you?



    let us gather around for the lord’s prayer:

    Nævis we love you. You are the one who protected me when i was in trouble. MY victory, one SYNK DIVE. I know your sacrifices. Let’s meet surely after the resurrection.



  • It's okay if you think so, it's obviously beyond your understanding :saint: .

    Thanks for reading tho :iconpepe: .

    No I understand perfectly

    I understand that completely moronic shit like this can only come from a habitual substance abuser (or child of substance abusers), someone deprived of oxygen in utero or subject to multiple severe head injuries as a child.

    Which one are you?

  • No I understand perfectly

    I understand that completely moronic shit like this can only come from a habitual substance abuser (or child of substance abusers), someone deprived of oxygen in utero or subject to multiple severe head injuries as a child.

    Which one are you?

    I'm pretty healthy, i've got a rather high iq as well and nobody takes drugs in my family or even drinks :saint:.

    So neither i guess :whatb:

    Happy :clown: ?

  • He is my 'ennemy' on this forum :pepefrog:. He makes fun of me all the time :pepe-sad: .

    But i don’t care tho :drown-in-tears: .

    If this isn't you two joking around then he's being unnecessarily harsh ngl pepe-ooh


    let us gather around for the lord’s prayer:

    Nævis we love you. You are the one who protected me when i was in trouble. MY victory, one SYNK DIVE. I know your sacrifices. Let’s meet surely after the resurrection.



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