This was from today's live. She looked like a f*cking peeled egg...
post response:
original post: here
1. [+152, -62]
Just by purely face value alone, I think that she's the one top
2. [+108, -9]
Seriously freaking pretty... the dignity of a natural beauty
3. [+76, -8]
The class of a natural beauty who is prettier than flowers
4. [+66, -7]
You're telling me that a face like this is natural?..
5. [+54, -5]
6. [+35, -2]
She's still just a high schooler but in 2-3 years, she's really gonna become the one top and nobody will be able to refute it. She's just too prettyㅋㅋㅋ even if the cat-type won't be in trend anymore, Haerin will still be super popular
Seriously freaking pretty.... Haerin looks prettiest in all up hair, as expected
original post: here
1. Too prettyㅠ
2. Wow she looks like a drawing, for real
3. Ah freaking pretty cat
4. Wow pretty. She still looks pretty in light blush widely dusted like that
5. Seriously, she looks like such a harmless baby in a pretty way. She's the epitome of a baby cat
6. No but can someone like her really exist? Crazy
7. Too too too too too too too too too cute
8. I still remember how pretty Haerin looked in her first livestream. She's too lovely
9. She just looks so pretty to me nowadays~ Her looks are innocent and not too over the top... she reminds me of those natural beauties I saw when I was younger
10. Tailmon...?