That's what this forum is for!
to have discussions and gossip about their personal lives and all things Kpop
Some of you - like certain blinks and members of certain bulletproof guild - are only here to police the discussion because you're agency shills. ....and that's fine, and you are free to contribute to the discussion - gaslight and all .
but most mistake.. or purposely use this forum to post racist- hateful diatribe against a certain group as a discussion.
and i feel that the mods are policing the WRONG topics.
IDOLS = they're public figures and we can scrutinize their actions and their behaviors
Forum Members = who literally post discriminating posts against certain* race, culture, sex, gender-identity, religion and - THOSE should be regulated, and I personally feel that we should call out EVERY SINGLE one of these HATE FILLED racist trolls.