Blackpink's brand and flawed feminism...what?

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    This video do a good job in explain that people most times really don't know what feminism is when they are criticizing it

  • My main issue with the Blackpink feminism discourse is that most people start their argument's assuming that YG or the members stated that BP is a feminist project which they, never have. Yeah BP has lyrics that allude to female empowerment but so does every other female pop act these days

    ๐Ÿ’ Chee~eer~ish ๐Ÿ’


  • My main issue with the Blackpink feminism discourse is that most people start their argument's assuming that YG or the members stated that BP is a feminist project which they, never have. Yeah BP has lyrics that allude to female empowerment but so does every other female pop act these days

    Exactly and then going out of their way to actively hate on them, saying they are frauds for not fulfilling your expectations, like whaaat?

  • We should stop bringing feminisms into Kpop the genre in itself is all about profit and image so the whole feminisms discours has no place in kpop

    It has a place in any part of society because it is a social movement, a lens to help us understand gender differences, social injustice and recognize the struggles that women and men face in fulfilling these roles. When blackpink or any kpop idol is being falsely accused of sleeping with men in the industry to get to where they are (for example), feminism has a place in that discussion,

    but that's not the same as say that blackpink is a feminist legend lol

  • BP is very clearly not meant to have a feminist message

    of course they can sometimes, but they are not obliged to

    secondly, at this point, feminism is anything you want it to be

    if you hate it, you will find ways to hate it

    if you support it, you will find ways to support it

    both sides are biased and forever will be and we will never know if its good or bad

    i believe its good

    best i can do is continue supporting it in ways that could matter but trying to make strangers on the internet agree with mine is EXTREMELY useless

    u r m o m g a y


  • I don't know how to feel about this and I probably won't convey my ideas because English is my third language and I struggle a lot to talk about more complex concepts in other people's language, is f* frustrating ...but I feel it's a false symmetry...when people call out a social movment that doesn't conform to the norms and try to win an argument saying....your extremists are as bad as ours... so we are in any way different and your original argument is not valid... I mean, of course extremism does not lead to anything, but one of the main differences is that while feminism preach can get people to make noise and start conflicts and female rebellion, patriarchal preach gets people to kill women, so I feel like it's a little different

  • I don't know how to feel about this and I probably won't convey my ideas because English is my third language and I struggle a lot to talk about more complex concepts in other people's language, is f* frustrating ...but I feel it's a false symmetry...when people call a social movment that doesn't conform to the norms and try to win an argument saying....your extremists are as bad as ours... so we are in any way different and your original argument is not valid... I mean, of course extremism does not lead to anything, but one of the main differences is that while feminism preach can get people to make noise and start conflicts and female rebellion, patriarchal preach gets people to kill women, so I feel like it's a little different

    i completely agree that "your extremism is as bad as ours" is a very bad faith argument

    "help everyone" vs "help no one" is very much NOT a fair comparison

    but as i said, most people who oppose any social justice movement want to protect some privilege of theirs and will only look at evidence that favors them and ignore everything that does not, and further strengthen their view


    really no point in arguing with them

    on the internet atleast

    the only way to make powerful people listen to you is by obtaining more power

    people only change their views in fear

    thats how religion got a strong foothold in society in the first place

    and religions are definitely one of those things that REALLY REALLY strengthened patriarchy

    a religion person claiming to be a feminist is one of the most hypocritical people in existence

    u r m o m g a y


  • it just focuses on surface level feminism doesn't it when they have, margot robbie, a blond blue eyed stereotypical barbie as the main lead? imagine if it addressed intersectional feminism too (although there was that joke about "go white saviour" lol)

    this seems like an incredibly silly critique considering the brand the movie is focused on is based on the titular barbie doll which is blonde and blue eyed.

    If a film is going to address and critique an established and cultural landmark piece of merchandise... it should reflect it.

  • it just focuses on surface level feminism doesn't it when they have, margot robbie, a blond blue eyed stereotypical barbie as the main lead? imagine if it addressed intersectional feminism too (although there was that joke about "go white saviour" lol)

    I have so many conflicting thoughts about your comment lol

    For one instance yes, it's a well known tactic to water down a social movement to devalue its meaning, that's why it's so common nowadays for people to say that feminism is obsolete or is just woke talking lol like a brazilian woman who last week watched on the news how one of my neighbors was rap** in front of her house because she had kidney pain in the middle of a party, fainted, was put in a taxi by an alleged friend who didn't even tell her family and then was left on the street by the driver who didn't bother knocking on her door, and then a guy saw her on the street pass out and saw the perfect opportunity to commit a crime... believe me when I say I know what you're talking about BUT, I feel like not all narratives about feminism need to be super deep, or have to represent everyone's struggle, some things can discuss basic concepts in a light and meaningful way, even if it doesn't elevate the discussion oto be about intersectional feminism

  • It has a place in any part of society because it is a social movement, a lens to help us understand gender differences, social injustice and recognize the struggles that women and men face in fulfilling these roles. When blackpink or any kpop idol is being falsely accused of sleeping with men in the industry to get to where they are (for example), feminism has a place in that discussion,

    but that's not the same as say that blackpink is a feminist legend lol

    Well the reason I said that feminism has no place in kpop is because first of all there is a huge issue in Korea about feminism and women's rights, feminist are seeing as demons that want to destroy society by abolishing gender roles, so any person especially women that shows support for women's rights will be deemed as such, so female idols and even celebrities rarely speak up about these topics to preserve their image.

    Let's say all of sudden Idols starts talking about feminist topics to pander to fans most of it will be very performative and disingenuous, Idols Keep on pushing this perfect image of themselves, all of them fit the beauty standards mold set by the industry, so them signing about feminism would be weird, and we all know that everything idols do is created by their companies so it's even worse, and Kpop is pure capitalism everything is about profit and it's widely known that feminism and capitalism don't go in the same sentence so yeah that's my take on feminism and kpop

  • I don't know how to feel about this and I probably won't convey my ideas because English is my third language and I struggle a lot to talk about more complex concepts in other people's language, is f* frustrating ...but I feel it's a false symmetry...when people call a social movment that doesn't conform to the norms and try to win an argument saying....your extremists are as bad as ours... so we are in any way different and your original argument is not valid... I mean, of course extremism does not lead to anything, but one of the main differences is that while feminism preach can get people to make noise and start conflicts and female rebellion, patriarchal preach gets people to kill women, so I feel like it's a little different

    Out of topic I had the same discussion with a co worker of main,I told him female extremism is rarely harmful and the reason why some women turn

    ''extremist" is a response to years of life under the patriarchy and violence toward us he proceeded to tell me that no matter what extremism is harmful and is really bad and results to nothing then he told me following your statement through this we can justify terrorism :S


    Edited once, last by nana18 ().

  • it just focuses on surface level feminism doesn't it when they have, margot robbie, a blond blue eyed stereotypical barbie as the main lead? imagine if it addressed intersectional feminism too (although there was that joke about "go white saviour" lol)

    I was thinking about how in Barbie, they are supposed to be marketed as feminine women who can do anything (be doctors,lawyers,presidents), but the people who work at Mattel are all men so they are the ones who profit at the end of the day. Not too far off from Blackpink tbh.

  • I was thinking about how in Barbie, they are supposed to be marketed as feminine women who can do anything (be doctors,lawyers,presidents), but the people who work at Mattel are all men so they are the ones who profit at the end of the day. Not too far off from Blackpink tbh.

    Yeah that was literally in the movie when Barbie got into the real world and went to Mattel there was only men

  • It dependes on the religion, IDK how it is in your country but in Brazil many realligions are against the status quo (Wicca, candomblรฉ, ubanda, Xamanism)

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