Is EXO's comeback being sabotaged?

  • Like above, is it true that EXO's comeback is being sabotaged by SM itself? I'm not keeping track on all the drama that's currently happening in K-Pop, but I heard about CBX potentially leaving SM and now people are talking about EXO's ordered albums being canceled, then about SM putting EXO's tiktoks on private etc. Can someone share something more about the matter? Is EXO's comeback really sabotaged by their own company? And what's with CBX leaving SM? What was that about?

    I would be grateful if someone taged EXO-Ls here so they can see this thread and possibly respond. I'm not trusting Twitter and people here seem much more reasonable.

    [COLOR=rgb(153, 204, 255)]EXO | [/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(255, 204, 153)]Big Bang |[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(153, 204, 255)] Red Velvet | [/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(255, 204, 153)]SNSD |[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(153, 204, 255)] Winner | [/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(255, 204, 153)]Super Junior |[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(153, 204, 255)] Shinee | [/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(255, 204, 153)]EXID | [/COLOR]NCT

    [COLOR=rgb(153, 204, 255)]Baekhyun |[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(255, 204, 153)] G-Dragon | [/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(153, 204, 255)]Wendy |[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(255, 204, 153)] Taeyeon | [/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(153, 204, 255)]Yoon |[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(255, 204, 153)] Heechul | [/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(153, 204, 255)]Taemin |[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(255, 204, 153)] Hani | [/COLOR]Taeyong

    Edited once, last by WhippedForCookie ().

  • I don't think it's being sabotaged so much as just not really assisted in any capacity, I think at this point SM only thinks of EXO as a legacy act that can make them lots of money touring (whether through solo/unit/group). The albums are really only there to keep the members happy and to keep fan interest alive while the enlistment period is going on. Beyond that, they have no interest/don't care about pushing EXO at all. Charts/awards are meaningless to SM, and to to be fair, I don't think the members really care that much anymore either (I'm sure they would be grateful to win but I don't think it's keeping them up at night or whatever). Hence, not buying any youtube views whatsoever. SM already has what they want from EXO. The tik tok thing to me is just classic SM incompetence, but not malicious.

    I do think that the pre-orders aren't reflective of what EXO-Ls really ordered, but it's not like if they had sold 2.3m or whatever instead of 1.6m they would win a Daesang or anything. I think SM was just like we'll accept enough orders so they can comfortably break their record, but no need to bother with more work than that. Obviously EXO still makes a lot of money and SM will keep (mostly) giving the members what they want (except SeChan apparently for some reason).

    Then again, I'm in and have been in a really good mood this whole past week because we're finally in a comeback era again, so maybe I'm being too generous with SM idk.

  • No pre-save links, no youtube ads, no US label and no US distribution, fans are not satisfied with promotions, pre-orders were sold out in smglobal shop and they responded like this at first :skull:

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    and later they said they had issues with overstockced items before so they did cap the quantities :skull::skull: which is not true at all bc Exo's old albums are mostly out of stock all the time :skull:

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    Orders are delayed due to low stock. Some pre-orders are even cancelled...

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    that's why fans are angry

  • I said it before and I say it again:

    I really don't understand what SM has been doing with EXO for more than half a decade.

    One of the most popular Kpop groups of all time.

    Even if we consider that SM only thinks about money, then a group that big means CASH.

    Why don't they support and promote them properly?

    I honestly don't get it.

  • SM would throw EXO to the wolves if they could. I’ve noticed this for a while, they were actually pissed off when Exo was doing better than NCT.

    I’m just happy that we get to enjoy this comeback with them all together but you can tell there’s a lot of tension behind the scenes. And the members have every right to feel slighted by SM.

  • Sometimes it looks like sabotage and there are all the conspiracies theories on how SM is ruining Exo. But there is definitely something odd with the way the Company works. They want to continue pumping out new groups every few years and utilise each group for a set period of time. Makes sense from a business point of view to some extent.

    And i find it clever(not that I agree) how SM has managed to entrap fans in the obsession of their groups, but they keep coming back despite being pissed at the company. Manipulation at its finest. The groups are controlled by the company, and extension the fans are also attached.

    Unless the group leaves the company, then SM will be affected. I could write a whole essay, but there is a nuance to this whole situation. And is related to how the industry works.

  • SM would throw EXO to the wolves if they could. I’ve noticed this for a while, they were actually pissed off when Exo was doing better than NCT.

    I’m just happy that we get to enjoy this comeback with them all together but you can tell there’s a lot of tension behind the scenes. And the members have every right to feel slighted by SM.

    Yeah. I think you're right.

    SM made a mess.

    Maybe it's because they wanted to make more money with younger groups, but there is already so much competition in Kpop that they can easily have comebacks of their newer groups at different times so they don't even have to compete with each other.

    My theory is that it's internal politics and squabbles in SM.

  • I would've thought exo ls were dramatic, if I didn't know how much gaslighting they're putting exo members under. They’d willingly let exo underperform if it means they can keep them on a chokehold while they use them to promote the company and "newer" artists.

    Tbh, more than youtube views, them sitting on the comeback causing Kai to be unable to join is the #1 offense to me. It took cbx suing for them to finally announce that comeback. Understocking of albums is also criminal. Many casual fans would lose interest in buying if albums are not on hand asap.

    Even if exo-l claims of sabotage are mistaken, I'm glad for the pressure on SM's neck. Maybe they'll finally learn to stop gaslighting our boys. Because this time exo-ls are suspicious of everything.


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