What the hell is going on in the US????

  • There are a lot more Republicans who are quite literally neo-Nazis than there are Democrats who are communists.

    Name one. Just one. And list the specific National Socialist policies he or she advocates - not just the usual “But his budget cuts are mean to protected groups!” nonsense that usually triggers the Nazi slur.

    Any number of Democrats - Sanders, Warren, Pressley, Tlaib, AOC just to name a few - are unabashed Marxists who would have been thrown out of the Democratic Party of John F. Kennedy.

  • It has a lot to do with Trump. Who do you think selected these people for the court? Why do you think that article you linked to has an entire section on Trump and his administration? :pepe-shrug:

    The Federalist Society selected the judges for Trump. The are the gatekeepers for government judicial jobs when Republicans are in power.

    They also have large influence and power in law schools and influence on legal philosophy in the US. Where do you think all these conservative lawyers and judges come from? The law schools.

    It could have been any republican president it does not matter. They have been gaining influence since the 80s and have been pretty open that their long-term goal was control of the Supreme Court.

    Start with the law schools and then get the institutions. Regan pretty much spelled it out.

    “The Federalist Society is changing the culture of our nation's law schools. You are returning the values and concepts of law as our founders understood them to scholarly dialogue, and through that dialogue, to our legal institutions.”

    - President Ronald Reagan

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  • Name one. Just one. And list the specific National Socialist policies he or she advocates - not just the usual “But his budget cuts are mean to protected groups!” nonsense that usually triggers the Nazi slur.

    Any number of Democrats - Sanders, Warren, Pressley, Tlaib, AOC just to name a few - are unabashed Marxists who would have been thrown out of the Democratic Party of John F. Kennedy.

    Name one Republican neo-Nazi? Really? Really? I'm not playing your silly games. A mob of Republicans could lynch someone of color right in front of you and you'd still play stupid. I know the type, even from what little you've said, and they're never worth the time wasted. Everyone who isn't in severe denial already knows what I said is 100% true, McCarthy.





    Edited 3 times, last by xviper2k ().

  • Certain provisions should have been directly included in the constitution, a responsibility that the Democrats failed to fulfill during their years in power. Instead, they tend to make promises that appeal to minorities and marginalized communities, enticing them to vote, but ultimately failing to follow through or achieve most of their proposed initiatives.

    However, I personally don't view the elimination of affirmative action as inherently negative. In fact, it could pave the way for better alternatives to maintain diversity in universities and colleges and make it equal as possible. The consideration of race as a determining factor should never have been part of the merit-based system. Affirmative Action initially should’ve only been implemented as a temporary solution to aid minorities and women. Currently, the best approach might be to implement anonymous applications, taking into account only GPA, test scores, and letters of reference. A similar system is already in place in Germany, resulting in diverse university campuses. Implementing such a system would of course also require a standardized education system and curriculum throughout the entire country, rather than differing approaches on a state-by-state basis.

  • Democrats never had the votes to pass all these things into the constitution. The last time they did those things were still considered controversial. Now that people generally agree they're important, there's always some Republican majority instance that can torpedo any changes. The Republican party will not allow any changes to a system that favours them, and it does - the Democrats have had the majority of votes in the US for the last 18 years. Any major shake-up of the political system right now would therefore be a setback for them, they'd never allow it.

  • Uh…you do realize a fairly high number of those armband-wearing and flag-displaying characters are Antifa agent provocateurs, right? They are staging a play that works well on the media, college students, and others miseducated enough to believe it.

    If conservatives tried a similar tactic and brought Communist flags to a Democrat rally, no one would even notice in the sea of Communist slogans and symbols already present there.

    National Socialists (Nazis) and International Socialists (Communists) are on the same totalitarian end of the political spectrum. Their closely related and murderous ideologies were defeated and discredited decades ago - except for some die-hard Che fans entrenched in political offices and university professorships who keep trying to sneak them back into the public debate under the false mask of “Free stuff for everybody!”

    Neither of these twin ideologies has anything to do with conservative Americans who are tired of watching babies murdered for convenience, being forced to provide services under government order to political pressure groups, and paying off the worthless pseudo-education establishment with their tax dollars.

    The Supreme Court this week in all of these cases simply upheld the Constitution - and with it, the will of the majority. Don’t like it? Elect a majority in Congress and pass new laws. That’s the way the American system works. The Supreme Court has always uphold any Constitutionally valid law passed by Congress - but they take a dim view of attempts to use the courts to achieve political objectives - as their activist predecessors did with Roe v. Wade.

  • TheHeretic <-- Do YOU have sympathy for the Jan. 6th D.C. RIOT behavior ???
    (Note: A simple answer is fine , NOT looking for a 'debate' on it , just curious.)

    Well, answering yes or no requires accepting the premise that an actual January 6th riot even happened.

    When (and if) the the 13,000 hours of security camera footage are released, I believe they will show that the January 6th activity inside the Capitol was entirely a pre-arranged PelosiScam (tm) - her daughter was right there with the camera, ready to film Pelosi's brave fight against the Evil MAGA Hordes. Scenes of Trump supporters politely following the Capitol Police through the building (after having the 13,000 pound steel doors opened for them from the inside) would blow up the whole government-media complex narrative that "Trump tried to overthrow the government!" - thus the massive freakout when Tucker Carlson showed the first little bit of those - the Q-Anon Shaman getting VIP treatment. Shaman Boy was immediately released from prison after that footage came out and told to shut up about it. State media's faux conservative network FOX got its marching orders - and fired Carlson right away.

    Same thing will probably happen to many of the characters in your list when the video finally comes out. Trump is certainly aware of this, that's why he has not been quick to condemn those convicted - which is very different from expressing sympathy or support for real rioters. Tarrio was a Federal informant, and his government turned on him. Some of the others may have been as well. Ray Epps was one of the leaders and chief instigators and government won't touch him. Because he is theirs.

    Nobody supports real rioting, but fake riots pre-arranged and staged by power-hungry government office-holders for the purpose of advancing a political narrative need to be identified for what they are.

  • Uh…you do realize a fairly high number of those armband-wearing and flag-displaying characters are Antifa agent provocateurs, right?

    No. Objectively no. You are utterly delusional and making shitty excuses for being on their side. Republican conspiracy theorists have become a dime-a-dozen for this reason; it's your way of coping with the uncomfortable reality. Don't like that Trump lost the election? Pretend it was "stolen!" Don't like rubbing elbows with Nazis? Pretend they're anti-fascists in disguise (despite Nazis being, you know, fascists!) Wow, living in a fantasy world of your own creation is easy!

    I didn't even read the rest of your rhetoric, but I hope you had fun typing it anyway.

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