If I have both of them book me on a meeting at the same time, of course I'd go with my loverBut my lover said he's only free on Mondays so whenever I have other things planned on Monday with my friends, I'd ask my friends to change their dates instead
Isn't this something obvious to do? Or would you guys be annoyed from the friend's perspective?
original post: here
1. Me too I'd put my lover first and a previous engagement is a previous engagement (t/n: so in another comment, OP said that she had previously set the date with her friend first)
2. You're honestly so unmannerly
3. Of course your lover should come first, but also your previous engagement
4. From your first sentence, it was still fine, but from the second sentence, you pissed me off
5. As your friend, I'd be freaking pissed off
6. If this keeps on happening twice or three times, you'll end up losing your friend
7. But looking at people around me, there are more people who do it like you
8. To me, previous engagements are always more important, once you become older, you'll realize that it's way harder to meet your firends and you'll realize that your boyfriend can adjust their times way more easily
9. I'm in a long distance relationship so even my friends would tell me to just meet my boyfriend
10. I'd understand if you were in a long distance relationship