New inactivity record for akp? Update:- another new record 🔥

  • ;( i'm dead serious saying i'll get banned, my trolling style is not suitable for this site, even when i reply to threads people say i should get mental help. :/  :sweat::thumbdown: mods probably already mad at me for reporting to them multiple times asking them to moderate. :-)^^:thumbdown:

    Well they don't got a choice if they want to keep AKP alive yknowwhatimean. You are doing them a favor by being active, right?

    Also, how BAD is the trolling or thread can be??? I need proof.


  • Well they don't got a choice if they want to keep AKP alive yknowwhatimean. You are doing them a favor by being active, right?

    Also, how BAD is the trolling or thread can be??? I need proof.

    it's mostly armys (they gonna call me a hateful obsessed loser that should go to a hospital for mentioning them) that hate me, and at first I was like "damn if i was an army i'd hate me too" but then they all started saying/agreeing with the fact that I need mental help, all whilst calling me a bad person...i'm the dots connect. but I laugh it off cause I'm like you know what this is really peak allkpop. like wow. I love it. I get people hate trolling but I don't really do it for attention I just like to laugh, and if that means I gotta go to a mental hospital, or every troll gotta go to a mental hospital then the hospitals would be so packed real people with injuries would be dead.

    It's not bad it's shocking. I don't think it's shocking, i've seen worse today! and yet those people don't get told to go to mental hospitals! thank you army for this one! but I like arguing and being funny and being in my 'persona' even though I'm really just like this in real life, and I really do make people think I'm crazy but I'm just a human that speaks, but people don't like that I guess.

    at this point I want allkpop to die cause I'm tired of nothing be done around here, and then me being called a crazy person, whilst real crazy people being let loose. I'm just gagged. like I haven't gotten a warning since early 2022, if I was really hurting people's feelings I would be banned, and yet where's the ban for people calling others slurs. it kills me. where's the moderation for real problems?

    also for proof you can just look at my posts on my profile and go through my trolling ones. idk maybe you'll think I'm crazy too but I'm used to it! thank you army again. they hurting me deeply. so sad.

    Edited once, last by ellenote ().

  • thebadguy

    Changed the title of the thread from “New inactivity record for akp?” to “New inactivity record for akp? Update:- another new record 🔥”.
  • The owner tried really hard and he did it

    I'm not quit sure if you really mean it, because only since the new forum it really started to get down, and especially since so many user got banned, all few weeks there are those chinese spammers, you will only find people who mostly talk about the same 2 groups, everyone seems to ignore threads that arn't just about the "top 5" groups or the "top 4" companies, some people come up with dumb excuses why they don't post anywhere ... and the oh so infamous Johnny ... well he was here in early 2021 when the new forum was made and even chatted on discord for a small but as we know him, he became invisible once again (in the old forum existed the myth that Johnny wouldn't be real cause he never wrote a single coment)

    And now since allmost all the people who chatted the most are banned and majority of their friends also left or arn't trilled to post anymore cause the biggest poster arn't here anymore, the side feels a bit dried out.

    AKP should try to promote their side so that people who search for KPop even find this place again. I mean it was a lot more active when people were able to submit ideas for new badges, events happend where you could send questions to celebrities and other stuff. Not even the Discord-chat is alive anymore and thats said even tho the AKP-cord has over 2K user on them

    A.C.E | ATEEZ | DRIPPIN| MCND | NU'EST | ONF | SF9 | Stray Kids | TFN

  • Why is your front page different from mine?


    Im just using different theme (its call 'shy' i think, it kinda looks like the old akp )

    They blocked everyone maybe


    I have blocked nobody

    that’s bc your ss is showing the top part of the same page, not the bottom lol scroll down towards the bottom of the page and you’ll see it’s the same

    Whisk (whi) is right

    That’s a weird way to access inactivity..

    But makes more sense than OP blocked majority of akp users icyruios:cursing:

    Its not wierd, im measuring the inactivity by how much old posts are still in 1st page, if the activity is high then more and more new posts will be created this will push the old posts to 2nd page but if activity is low then not many new posts are happening so even 10 hour old post will still remain in the 1st page as it is seen in my screenshot.

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