[BTS CONTENT] From Dynamic Pricing to Weverse Membership now charging for subtitles separately, can we FINALLY admit the BigHit that BTS raised from the ashes is GONE?

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    I'm not even including the BE/Butter/Proof stupidness or the $300 scam version. When will the company stans realize that "music for healing" is now complete and utter bullshit? The Weverse membership is NOTHING like the Vlive + membership. That one was an OPTION, you didn't need to have it because subs were already there for the people who either didn't want the membership or couldn't afford it, but at least they can still watch and understand their favs for free. Then you have Dynamic pricing, something that since its conception BTS took no part in but now HYBE has started doing with Suga's concert. At what point will be enough for people to realize the BigHit we liked is GONE?

    I called it when they rebranded. I knew for a fact once you give someone desperate to beat his peers (Bang PD) that money and power will tell us who people really are at the end of the day. And no this isn't "just business, they will do whatever it takes to make money." That logic is perfectly fine but when you have people who swore they were in it for the "music" and gave false perceptions they aren't "like the other girls" for years only to turn around and be just like them and in some cases worse, that's the issue at hand. That's what is making this so sad.

    Then they're also investing in AI technology that will basically nullify the usage of actual people but before that, they joined in on the NFT scam even after proclaiming they love the environment so much when it concerns BTS. No one wants to call a spade a spade because of fears of being called a manti but for how long will this go on until EVERYONE finally calls them out? Will we all have an epiphany when Bang PD or his associates all eventually get caught doing shady shit like the other Big 3 CEOs?

  • I'm not even including the BE/Butter/Proof stupidness or the $300 scam version. When will the company stans realize that "music for healing" is now complete and utter bullshit? The Weverse membership is NOTHING like the Vlive + membership. That one was an OPTION, you didn't need to have it because subs were already there for the people who either didn't want the membership or couldn't afford it, but at least they can still watch and understand their favs for free. Then you have Dynamic pricing, something that since its conception BTS took no part in but now HYBE has started doing with Suga's concert. At what point will be enough for people to realize the BigHit we liked is GONE?

    Dynamic pricing is a scam. I don't understand why it's still allowed in USA - it's already banned in Europe.

    I hope they will get a lot of negative feedback because of it and will change they plan on it.

    But when it comes to subs - they are not going anywhere.

    The membership one's are real-time subs while the live is on, ''normal'' subs will still be uploaded and available after for all members (not only paid). So it's still very much an option if you want to pay or you will wait few days.

    I don't get the outrage for the 300$ version of Proof. Sure, it's for money - and what of it? No one is forcing anyone to buy it. The same way no one is forcing anyone to buy the merch. It's was collector edition, released later and normal album was available. If people want to buy it, let them... a lot of artist has collectors edition as well. I would never pay for it but there are consumers for it, so why not.

    The fixation on AI creeps me out, I don't like it at all.

  • I hope no Armys buy that live translation supcription. Army translators are already doing a good job and no poor souls will wake up at 4am to translate Jungkook's recipes for us except Armys :cryingr:

    I would rather pay ARMY translation accounts than pay for this subscription.

  • Honestly once HYBE went public, it stopped being Bighit. The moment HYBE went public, it had to downplay its biggest artist just to prove its sustainability as a company. It's not about what's good for the artists and consumers anymore, it's about what the shareholders want.

  • With translation and weverse dm, it’s probably like something vlive+ used to be, but dynamic pricing is…waaaaayyy disappointing. The thing is for US artist the demand fluctuates but for BTS, the demand is practically all time high. With this scheme people certainly will pay jacked up price.

    Bts’ music is literally our priority, we will prioritize touring over everything they do. So for bighit slapping us with ticketmaster style scam is dumbfounding for me. It makes me don’t want to support hybe’s plan to make their own ticketing sub company.

    I really hope this is the time that namjoon does really have a power over BoD with his powerpoint, and i hope this is resolved before 2025

  • Honestly once HYBE went public, it stopped being Bighit. The moment HYBE went public, it had to downplay its biggest artist just to prove its sustainability as a company. It's not about what's good for the artists and consumers anymore, it's about what the shareholders want.

    Exactly. Once a company goes public. It’s the end, they only care about shareholders.

    The problem with Hybe is that not only they are greedy but they are also incompetent. They’re just lucky they have BTS.

  • Everyone knows it. People can't speak honestly about it (mostly on twitter, where everyone fears being called a 'manti').

    HYBE'S legacy as a music-first creative company, which was supposed to "transform K-Pop", is definitely being compromised with the past few years of crass maneuvers. Even though many of their artists are the best in the industry with the best production/music videos/artistic quality, the way the work is marketed leaves much to be desired and often feels like both artist AND fan are being shafted in some way. HYBE feels more K-Pop in the stereotypical "music is just a disposable product" sense than ever before.

    I wish they could find more ways to make money that didn't involve individually milking every fan to death. And no, I'm not signing up for another tech platform. If they want to wheel and deal in that world, they need to learn to play outside their bubble.

  • the problem isn't even that "bg/hybe changed",

    it's that hybe & bang pd genuinely make the weirdest & most useless decisions to increase their revenu as quick as possible. they don't seem to think long term AT ALL... such a potential, but all wasted because that oompa loompa is stuck in his small/medium company mentality

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