If you stand up to toxic masculinity as a kceleb, you will get death threats

  • There is a clip from ILA that is going viral in SK and tiktok

    The guest is a dude who goes to his female friend house to help her move.

    Most of the panel comments were awful and were implying that the guy just want to do the girl bc he went to help her at night.

    Key told them to stop talking BS and that women and men can be friends.

    Apparently that's enough for him to get death threats and bunch of homophobic attacks. It's frankly awful.

    Kian84 and his gang of misogynistic incel who support him deserve to go to hell.

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  • what's going on in Korea right now with all the misogyny is just sick. A lot of the men there are so far gone that they truly believe what they think about women is right. I saw a viral clip in SK of a male live streamer beating an unconscious woman up, and nobody stopped him, people in the chat just made jokes. I'm thankful that Key has common sense unlike most men in Korea, but you can't even say anything now without getting death threats. it's so insane.


  • This is actually sad at least Key was attempting to speak up which not many would ever do which is also really shitty

    It's hard to blame people who don't speak up when the price of speaking up is so disgusting

    I can't even imagine the mental toll it takes on them

    not even the first time, last time they made a petition that goverment should seize his assets bc he must be a homosexul

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  • It's hard to blame people who don't speak up when the price of speaking up is so disgusting

    I can't even imagine the mental toll it takes on them

    not even the first time, last time they made a petition that goverment should seize his assets bc he must be a homosexul

    No yeah that’s true

    It’s also gross that they have nothing else to attack but sexuality which shouldn’t even matter like they have no other motive for him just saying women and men can be friends that’s crazy

  • No yeah that’s true

    It’s also gross that they have nothing else to attack but sexuality which shouldn’t even matter like they have no other motive for him just saying women and men can be friends that’s crazy

    In their mind the only reason a guy can see a woman as a person and not a sex object is bc he is gay.

    That's such a twisted awful logic

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  • what's going on in Korea right now with all the misogyny is just sick. A lot of the men there are so far gone that they truly believe what they think about women is right. I saw a viral clip in SK of a male live streamer beating an unconscious woman up, and nobody stopped him, people in the chat just made jokes. I'm thankful that Key has common sense unlike most men in Korea, but you can't even say anything now without getting death threats. it's so insane.

    If a woman says she is scared of men, those types call her a raging feminazi.

    This is crazy

  • If a woman says she is scared of men, those types call her a raging feminazi.

    This is crazy

    This is unfortunately the results of certain people and groups who kept reinforcing negative stereotypes and pushing certain divisive agendas for years and it worked. So now they have unfortunately succeeded in having society on the brink of a gender war in which both parties irrationally fight one another without reason. It's similar to how certain groups stir up race wars, once that event horizon is crossed its hard to stop it. Society failed to recognize this bullshit before it was too late, and that was by design as there's soo many other hot button issues people were dealing with before this, that this became the catalyst for it.

  • Well said Key. Some people don't understand humanity. Seeing Korea's extreme misogynistic comments on their programs annoy me sometimes. I understand why Jisoo talks like that. Societies are very narrow-minded in this regard. I don't like people who are after a special meaning in everything. Unfortunately, not every society has a very civilized mindset.

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