i dont understand Hui from Pentagon....

  • he says 'Boys Planet' was the only chance he had...

    but, Pentagon isn't dismissed. They still have activities lined up, just last week they were announced for another. From what we can see at least, this isn't like CLC's situation. They arent top group for sure but the group is still invited to performed on event and they still have fans... I don't really get it, I thought that Pentagon was always solid sale-wise? Why are they giving them the CLC treatment?

  • My take on it is that when he was in military he must been thinking a lot about it

    and then maybe when he was sitting there in his army uniform inm some break, and was checking news on phone... this and that he was that Kep1er is everywhere, he saw Yujin on that award shows, festivals etc.

    and Pentagon well they were invited for some city festivals or minor concerts but it wasn't that much, nothing major

    and also he was the one who usually was responsible for that 'creative' side of Pentagon

    so he probably just came out of military, meet with members, took a look how things are going, maybe had some one or two talks with PD's in agency or even CEO, got reality check and make a decision which is wise for his own career

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  • he says 'Boys Planet' was the only chance he had...

    but, Pentagon isn't dismissed. They still have activities lined up, just last week they were announced for another. From what we can see at least, this isn't like CLC's situation. They arent top group for sure but the group is still invited to performed on event and they still have fans... I don't really get it, I thought that Pentagon was always solid sale-wise? Why are they giving them the CLC treatment?

    He said it himself they wanted to do more, collab with other artists and Cube refuses. Hui wants to do more and he felt this was the only way because of Cube's dumbassery. I imagine if he makes it than maybe Cube will give them what they want. Unlikely because Cube is a piece of shit.

    Pentagon may get invited places but they barely win, barely get sales. Cube does NOT treat them well and Hui has no problem saying that. They are still under contract. Which is why they can't do shit about it.

    The only group who isn't fucked over by Cube is BTOB and they really, no probably, just don't care at this point. They have been around awhile.

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