Why is destroying the planet being celebrated by kpop fans?

  • I don't considering 1 MILLION albums sold as an achievement, I see it as a regression. Imagine how many trees were cut down, how much energy was spent, the many tons of waste it's taking up, how many fuel and carbon dioxide was released into the environment for what literally has no practical use. It's only harming earth and contributing to climate change. Rather, kpop fans should be telling companies to reduce of eliminate their environmental waste. I know how kpop fans like to pretend to be progressive but this is more important than social credits, it's for the survival of the world and the billions of poor people who will have dwindling resources in the coming years.

    Don't worry, your biases will be fine. But when an environmental catastrophe happens, they won't be worrying about you.

  • don't worry, blackpink are saving the earth. Earth will be fine

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  • to be fair, anyone complaining about energy consumption on the internet from their device is also a hypocrite unless they live off the grid in the woods


  • People need to realise that streaming is as bad for the planet. Data centers are bad for the environment. We posting on this forum is also bad for the environment.

  • to be fair, anyone complaining about energy consumption on the internet from their device is also a hypocrite unless they live off the grid in the woods


    Bro nobody ever said that consuming energy and resources in any capacity is bad, why are yall reaching. Stuff like your personal devices, your stove, your fridge, these are all necessary things and they aren't part of the problem.

  • Bro nobody ever said that consuming energy and resources in any capacity is bad, why are yall reaching. Stuff like your personal devices, your stove, your fridge, these are all necessary things and they aren't part of the problem.

    none of those things are necessary. people can live in the woods if they want to save the planet in the name of leonardo di caprio or whatever

  • to be fair, anyone complaining about energy consumption on the internet from their device is also a hypocrite unless they live off the grid in the woods


    Nobody is advocating moving back to the stone age. Just suggesting that wasteful activities that provide no benefit could be curtailed. Mass buying or even mass streaming to win some made up contest is wasteful and dumb.

    Living in a modern society that does things like provide health care and communication is beneficial.

  • Nobody is advocating moving back to the stone age. Just suggesting that wasteful activities that provide no benefit could be curtailed. Mass buying or even mass streaming to win some made up contest is wasteful and dumb.

    Living in a modern society that does things like provide health care and communication is beneficial.

    free market. people gonna spend however they want. can't really do anything about that. what people can do is take advantage of that fact and virtue signal for social brownie points while they're on their iphones or whatever. the people who actually care about their impact on the environment do it through actions like going off grid and that's why we don't really hear much from them. just sayin, not hatin

  • free market. people gonna spend however they want. can't really do anything about that. what people can do is take advantage of that fact and virtue signal for social brownie points while they're on their iphones or whatever. the people who actually care about their impact on the environment do it through actions like going off grid and that's why we don't really hear much from them. just sayin, not hatin

    Small changes help though. They can add up to big things and also help change artitudes. It's like with smoking. We didn't ban it outright where i live, but information campaigns and various incentives worked with societal pressure. I rarely see smoking in my area anymore.

  • Small changes help though. They can add up to big things and also help change artitudes. It's like with smoking. We didn't ban it outright where i live, but information campaigns and various incentives worked with societal pressure. I rarely see smoking in my area anymore.

    i'm not against informed choices for smarter outcomes. i just don't trust anyone that wants to save the world from the comfort of their own modern home or in a celebrities case, their private yacht s'all. i do wish people would make smarter choices with their money but i can't really force them

  • i'm not against informed choices for smarter outcomes. i just don't trust anyone that wants to save the world from the comfort of their own modern home or in a celebrities case, their private yacht s'all. i do wish people would make smarter choices with their money but i can't really force them

    I agree with that. I side eye people who advocate things but seem to refuse to make even minor changes of it inconveniences them. I do think that mass buying is an easy change to make so i hope that bringing up how wasteful it is may get some fans who have never thought about the impact to consider what they're doing

  • to be fair, anyone complaining about energy consumption on the internet from their device is also a hypocrite unless they live off the grid in the woods


    yes... i have the right to criticize others as i drIve my gasoline car, to a local cafe that probably uses electricity from a coal power plant and NOT solar, wearing clothes that probably was made in some sweatshop in india/china that traveled thousands of miles on containers ships and trucks that was fueled by fossil fuel, so that i could have the convenience to pick it up at my front door rather than being forced to go walk amongst the virus infested crowds, sitting on a couch that was made by butchering cows and trees and... foam?.. so that i could feel, even if it's just for a moment, to have all the comforts of a 19th century aristocrat .. as i use my iphone/laptop to make such critiques.. online... as i drink imported coffee from a paper cuP* with plastic lids..

    i have this right, because i earned it by being born in a 1st world country in the 21st century, and UNLESS YOU PROVIDE AN ALTERNATIVE, THAT MATCHES MY LIVING STANDARD OR even excel beyond those standards, I see no reason to change. but these physical album sales are a problem and could significantly harm our environment - cant say the same about cars, or coffee, or couches, or clothes, appliances, meat, fossil fuel, plastic etc - cus I USE THEM - but these kpop albums that i DONT buy??? THEY NEED TO BE ELIMINATED!

  • You can't stop mass buying unless you stop physical albums. And you can't stop physical albums cus 1 people like me who actually buy albums for the music and listen to them will be mad and #2 most of the money artists make are by album sales.

    Especially smaller ones, taking away physical albums would be equivalent to ending their career.

    idk if people know this but streaming pays really bad, like seriously bad. Your average minimum wage worker is probs making money than an average-small musician by streams.

    Instead of banning everything outright, we need to find alternatives(ex: engine based car to electric cars)

    For example an environment-friendly album. Another solution would be for people who mass buy albums to give away those albums to others at a much lower price or for free. There's plenty of fans who don't have enough money to buy albums but would like to have albums.

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