so i recently got this : backpack for christmas . and i had wanted to take it with me to school. But idk bcs of 2 reasons : (1) don't want to ruin it (2) people might damage it/"bullying??" for carrying a BTS backpack since im already "old".
Since its been raining & recently just stopped i wouldn't want to damage it bcs its too precious for me. Also because i dont want it to be damaged.
People r immature and since idk many just dont like BTS (idk why) they might do something? Also cause some might bully (not likely) or say weird comments just for carrying this : backpack. Also bcs since im technically in high-school/college age, some will call me childish & immature .
A last reason is bcs i have asian friends (1 Korean 1 Chinese & know more people) & i don't want them "uncomfortable" or feel like im just yk being rude? or like idk how to say it but like im with them cause of BTS or smth like that which is not true.
But please help ig. I might end up taking it along with this hoodie : so yeah : )
but imight just do it bcs i want to